1. This server just makes more evident on how bad designed is pvp, specially arenas

    With the huge amount of people geared to the max with shadowmournes all over the place etc. the bad game balance of pvp is more evident:

    It is just about trains.

    There is 0 skill involved in this strategy, just train the weakest person of the opposite team until he is out of defensive cooldowns and kill it. It is so bad that there is near 0 chance to win after one of your team is dead, that just screams awful game design, most people insta quit or stop trying when one of them is dead and for good reason.

    Healers in this game are completely broken too so they are almost immortal and it is just not worth it to even try to kill them, so you just stun, silence or whatever you can do to cc ocasionally while you train another person. There is a reason why the dampening mechanic had to be created which is just a band aid to the real problem: healers are broken.


    The only genuine skill of the game comes from learning how to play your class and I do like the class design of the game and class identity but when you are on pvp, spceially arenas it is all about the ****ing trains, it's pathetic.

    There are so many better options for pvp on the market right now, WoW pvp is outdated and it's bad, Arenas are a joke and the fact that they have to gate gear behind them just shows how desperate was and is Blizzard for people to play them, remove the gear and no one would ****ing bother, they are a ****show and just make more evident how bad designed is the overall pvp of this game.
    Edited: August 12, 2020

  2. With the huge amount of people geared to the max with shadowmournes all over the place etc. the bad game balance of pvp is more evident:

    It is just about trains.

    There is 0 skill involved in this strategy, just train the weakest person of the opposite team until he is out of defensive cooldowns and kill it. It is so bad that there is near 0 chance to win after one of your team is dead, that just screams awful game design, most people insta quit or stop trying when one of them is dead and for good reason.

    Healers in this game are completely broken too so they are almost immortal and it is just not worth it to even try to kill them, so you just stun, silence or whatever you can do to cc ocasionally while you train another person. There is a reason why the dampening mechanic had to be created which is just a band aid to the real problem: healers are broken.


    The only genuine skill of the game comes from learning how to play your class and I do like the class design of the game and class identity but when you are on pvp, spceially arenas it is all about the ****ing trains, it's pathetic.

    There are so many better options for pvp on the market right now, WoW pvp is outdated and it's bad, Arenas are a joke and the fact that they have to gate gear behind them just shows how desperate was and is Blizzard for people to play them, remove the gear and no one would ****ing bother, they are a ****show and just make more evident how bad designed is the overall pvp of this game.
    Translation: "I've had some bad games, now I hate this game. Here's why."

  3. "It is just about trains." means u're at some low/basic mmr, and it leads to players who mostly tunnel one target cause lack of experience, in years i've played with different classes and comps i never found this issue, suggesting you to read some guides, get used to the server meta and get better, it will take time ofc.

    "just train the weakest person of the opposite team until he is out of defensive cooldowns and kill it." Wondering how u think to win in other ways, if u want u can train one target, make him out of def cds and then switch randomly on the other one....LOL

    "It is so bad that there is near 0 chance to win after one of your team is dead" Is math...lol...... Is 2v2 arena not 1v2 yolo, and btw you still can win with some comps, but if u expect to win 1vs2 war/pala when u're a shadow priest.......good luck XD

    Just get back to PvE, problem solved.

  4. ACtually youre not wrong in my opinion. Gear matters a lot, a lot of players who bought their bis gear are stuck in low ratings cause theyre not that good, theyre even loosing against relentless blackrock players who have 5,5kgs. so if youre really really good you can win with blackrock starter gear against bis players. but in my opinion, the majority of players arent good enough to compensate their lack of gear with skill. so its not wrong to get mad about all the problems in pvp, always same teams comps, too many players using bis gear in low ratings, .... so you have 2 options: get better and win with relentless gear , or give up playing arena cause too many good players or with bis gear (who arent always that good) there and just play bg or play pve. and youre right, there are a lot of good games for pvp which are better than wow. or even better thought out. cause i dont really think the developers really knew what would happen with pvp with rs/icc gear being better than pvp gear. this game isnt made for so many players in pvp to have bis gear. problems which are created here didnt exist on retail wotlk cause they moved to the next exp. cata
    Edited: August 12, 2020

  5. OP basicly made his account august 3 2020.
    Hes a lowbie who joined BG's and getting scrapped on a 11 year old realm, never seen this before.
    Talk about PvP after you actually done more then 1 week of PvP.

  6. stop *****ing and go play 1 of those better options then.

  7. ACtually youre not wrong in my opinion. Gear matters a lot, a lot of players who bought their bis gear are stuck in low ratings cause theyre not that good, theyre even loosing against relentless blackrock players who have 5,5kgs. so if youre really really good you can win with blackrock starter gear against bis players. but in my opinion, the majority of players arent good enough to compensate their lack of gear with skill. so its not wrong to get mad about all the problems in pvp, always same teams comps, too many players using bis gear in low ratings, .... so you have 2 options: get better and win with relentless gear , or give up playing arena cause too many good players or with bis gear (who arent always that good) there and just play bg or play pve. and youre right, there are a lot of good games for pvp which are better than wow. or even better thought out. cause i dont really think the developers really knew what would happen with pvp with rs/icc gear being better than pvp gear. this game isnt made for so many players in pvp to have bis gear. problems which are created here didnt exist on retail wotlk cause they moved to the next exp. cata
    I agree , it seemed more balanced on retail because no one had time to farm BiS ICC gear before the next expansion came out, but when you can just buy that gear it makes the whole game completely unbalanced. You will have a BiS paladins who don't even use pally power to buff. You will be in a raids with people who bought their toons with King slayer title who don't understand anything any of the icc bosses past the first 4, people need to stop asking for titles to join raids on this server, because just because he is BiS and has the best titles dosn't mean he knows how to fight the bosses here, I see it all the time, Dude with shadowmorne should be good right? No, he doesn't even know he's supposed to run from the slime when he's targeted on PP

  8. OP basicly made his account august 3 2020.
    Hes a lowbie who joined BG's and getting scrapped on a 11 year old realm, never seen this before.
    Talk about PvP after you actually done more then 1 week of PvP.
    This was so blatently obvious.

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