1. Am i doing something wrong?

    I can never get accepted into any sort of ICC runs, 10,25,ALT nothing. Iv done i think maybe 2 alt runs before, but they were very hesistant in taking me. I know the mechanics, just need a chance is all. Im a 5.4k MM hunter, am i doing something wrong? Can someone please help me understand so i can break through this Gear wall im on now


  2. Get yourself:
    - Enchants
    - Proper gems (at least WotLK rare ones), especially meta gem.
    - Drop hit when you can, you have way too much of it.
    - 722 ArP (720-730 is fine), once you have that, keep it there, as long as you have Needle-Encrusted Scorpion. When you start going over, start gemming agility instead.

  3. No gems
    No enchants
    Over Hit cap
    You actually bought cape instead of next T10 part

    All signs of a noob.

    It's like all the blankets with information people gave you in previous topic was a waste of their time.
    Edited: August 20, 2020

  4. I'd remove you too with items like that, and I don't do that often unless people lied about gs.

    The others above me pretty much pointed out the wrong.

    Your gs considering you can get 5.4 within a week or two of hitting level 80 isn't that high, and you're missing a lot of things that'll actually increase your dps and allow you to stay in raids. I'd remove someone who's 6.5 if he had no gems/enchants, let alone someone lower.

  5. Well, didnt expect some of these comments... No matter, after this iv decided to quit. Clearly this game isnt for me. Thanks to those who did help me along the way though

  6. How the hell you didn't expect that? You cant put basic effort in, which says you wont put effort in to move out of flames or to even spend some hour reading to have basic understanding of tactics and raid mechanics. Why would people raid with you? You know what predicts a successful raid? Leaders ability to spot and avoid players like you, stings, right?
    What you have to do to get in raids is clear for you now, isn't it? Be someone worth inviting. This is the best help that you can possibly get, this will make you great in a long run.

  7. You decided to quite because you can't put in some (minimum) effort on getting gems and enchants? That's odd.

    Least getting those is quite easy. Gem ARP until as Ohie said you hit 720-730 Armor Penetration and then continue with agility gems.
    And get enchants (which aren't even extremely expensive), you don't even have to put the most expensive enchants, but at least the ones that go with your class.
    Getting head and shoulders enchants just needs some work on the reputation and you can purchase them from vendors.

    This is the game that requires you to put in some effort, you can't expect to get carried like this. If that's what you expected then it maybe for real isn't a game for you.

  8. Well, didnt expect some of these comments... No matter, after this iv decided to quit. Clearly this game isnt for me. Thanks to those who did help me along the way though
    LOOOOOOOL you ask for feedback. You get it. And you ***** out? :D

  9. he is probably the guy who will instanly quit after a single wipe or if it's taking too long

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