1. How to arena ?

    I'm playing on frostmourne, I want to hop into arena's but I have no clue on how exactly that works. I get some DM's from ppl asking for a mate (I'm retpal) but always answers by the negative cause I'm clueless about the whole thing.

    So, how to arena ? If you had to explain it to a 5yo, go.


  2. such a general question will not prompt a good response
    please narrow it down, and ask more specifically with what you are questioning.

  3. Find someone who is willing to learn with you. People usually quit team if you lose 2 games in a row. It is an old game and people have no tolarance. A friend to learn with would be best. If you dont have one irl, make a forum post looking someone to learn with. Meanwhile read guides, watch pro players etc. Try to find tactics on spesific comp you want to play which is most probably hunter/ret for 2v2.

  4. Learn how to use pillars to your advantage to avoid CCs and damage (if necessary), get some addons like gladius, and tellmewhen, also setup focus frames so you can keep an eye on a secondary target other than your main target.

    Below are some macros I consider essential if you're going to play ret in 2vs2

    Each line is a seperate macro:
    /cast [@focus] Hammer of Justice
    /cast [@focus] repentance
    /cast [@party1] sacred shield
    /cast [@party1] Hand of Sacrifice
    /cast [@party1] Hand of Protection
    /cast [@party1] hand of freedom
    and most important of all /cast [@party1] cleanse

    If you're not using all of those macros at least once per arena game, you're probably doing it wrong, so I suggest you keybind them (and also their respective buttons that you use to cast the buffs or cleanse on yourself) to something comfortable.

    I'd recommend you play with a good hunter or warr/DK partner for best results at lower mmr.

    That's about as general as I can get for you without writing a book, good luck!

  5. Go to dalaran sewers, speak with a goblin npc there.

    It will ask you the name of the team, write it, then take the paper and make your partner sign it.

    Then you return to the goblin, chose your flag, click done, and you are done you have your arena team.

    Nearby there is another goblin npc to speak with to join arenas. (rated are the ones who give you rating obv).

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