1. Spell Reflect

    I play as shaman elemental. When warrior uses spell reflect it should reflect my 1 next spell, but sometimes it reflects 2 or more. When he uses it and I use for example flame shock it is reflected and next spells are not, but if he uses spell reflect and I first cast lava burst then use wind shear before lava touches him both spells are reflected. Sometimes if can reflect 3 spells or even more. When I cast lightning bolt, then lava burst, then instant flame shock and my talent activates another 2 lightning bolts he reflects all of it and I get 20k dmg. Is it bugged or it should work like that? Anyone else also perceived that?

  2. Is it bugged or it should work like that? Anyone else also perceived that?
    It is not a bug.
    Here you can see it reflects x3 frostbolt: https://youtu.be/JQaScgXR4lI?t=128 (at 2:11)

    So, after you use "wind shear", wait around 0.3 sec before to cast something else against him

  3. I believe that spell reflect reflects every spell that is in the air before first one hits. If you want to counter it use an instant (like flame shock).

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