1. Lordaeron solo queue priority is broken

    So I play on both Blackrock and Lordaeron.. never have I ever had this issue on Blackrock, but when I queue solo queue on Lord, well I get queued with teammates from OTHER REALMS with 2-300 MMR lower than me, when I just got queues with people my MMR moments before. How is this a thing??? I requeue when my queues get too long and this happens anyway. It is literally impossible to gain rating when you get queues like this, I was never one to complain about the gaps that Lord has compared to the other realms but this here is ridiculous.


  2. thank god that positives outweigh the negatives

  3. interesting, as someone who plays only on lordaeron soloque, I thought it was normal to have those mmr differences with teammates

  4. thank god that positives outweigh the negatives
    This has nothing to do with crossrealm and more so to do with the specific conditions that Lordareon has to increase the chance of players from Lorda queueing into other players from Lorda. This relaxed condition needs to be removed when the matchmaking system starts to look for teams outside of Lordareon.

  5. Sounds like a learn to play issue tbh.

  6. I've had a look at my blackrock and lordaeron match history and.... can't confirm this at all.

    On both realms I get teammates both 200+mmr higher and lower.

  7. And is that with dropping queues when your queues get over a certain time? You will always get people with lower mmr if you just sit your queue and wait a long time, but you should never get people with these huge mmr gaps when you reset your queue every 1.5 minutes which I never ever saw on blackrock, but see far too often on Lord.

  8. And is that with dropping queues when your queues get over a certain time? You will always get people with lower mmr if you just sit your queue and wait a long time, but you should never get people with these huge mmr gaps when you reset your queue every 1.5 minutes which I never ever saw on blackrock, but see far too often on Lord.
    I don't requeue.

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