1. Frostmourne bgs is a joke

    Queueing as horde in frostmourne is a joke. You get 3-5 2k gs plebs from icecrown and alliance 1-2 from icecrown. Great ssytem

  2. Then dont que?
    When I was playing on Frostmourne it was pretty much 99% Frostmourne players and the occasional fresh dinged 80 from lord/icecrown.

  3. How does the queueing system even work for this realm? Are you seriously telling me that full Wrathful geared Icecrown players can queue against people on Frostmourne who don't even have access to that tier of gear yet? If so that's a joke.

    I've been running into a few ARMS WARRIORS from Icecrown who have more health than a geared bear druid tank from frostmourne and can do as much damage as 3 players from frostmourne. It's a joke.

  4. How does the queueing system even work for this realm? Are you seriously telling me that full Wrathful geared Icecrown players can queue against people on Frostmourne who don't even have access to that tier of gear yet? If so that's a joke.

    I've been running into a few ARMS WARRIORS from Icecrown who have more health than a geared bear druid tank from frostmourne and can do as much damage as 3 players from frostmourne. It's a joke.
    Queing system works in the following way:
    1st tier is Frostmourne tier updated to the current Frostmourne progression patch. If they are 2k gs with full greens and maybe a few rares or epics from dungeons they'll get put into Frostmourne tier. If anybody from other realms has even ONE item that's above from what you are able to obtain on Frostmourne (for example, full greens but bought epic from ICC) they get put into 2nd tier. It is possible to donate/vote for best gear for Frostmourne's patch on other realms and get paired with Frostmourne as long as you don't get any items Frostmourne players don't have access to.
    2nd tier is everything else - Lordaeron, Icecrown, Blackrock.

  5. When icc content patch comes out then will frostmourne bg's be full of BiS chars from icecrown?

  6. To be fair the gap from full relentless to full wful bis is much, much smaller than the gap from 2k gs to full rele. But I assume you will not be able to join frostmourne bgs with shadowmourne until shadowmourne has been acquired on frostmourne.

  7. Now totc patch is coming out and relentless glad is coming out will frostmourne bg's be full of full relentless blackrock people?
    and will my blackrock chars be able to **** up frostmourne chars?

  8. Now totc patch is coming out and relentless glad is coming out will frostmourne bg's be full of full relentless blackrock people?
    and will my blackrock chars be able to **** up frostmourne chars?
    No they wont, blackrock has access to ICC items aswell when they make a new character, I think the only exception would be if they only equip toc/togc items but some staff would need to verify/confirm that

  9. But couldnt you easily just make a new char on blackrock keep all the totc/relentless gear and be BiS for frostmourne instantly?

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