1. Is leveling world pvp active? What time?

    Hi all, I’ve convinced some friends to play with me, and one of them really wants to world pvp, so we leveled some horde characters to low 20s and are questing in ashenvale, but we haven’t seen any alliance. It might have been the time we were playing, I’m not sure. We rode around astranaar trying to find people but didn’t find anyone. Is world pvp active in leveling zones? Also, what time are people most active in questing zones? Lastly, what’s the breakdown of where people are mostly playing from country wise? I’ve encountered a lot of Spanish speaking people, so would it be better to play during peak times in South America for example? Or are Europe times more peak times? Thanks!

  2. pvp-wpvp is active but on alliance side, on lordaeron never make horde char if you want pvp NEVER! haha,only if you want pve haha trust me xdD.

  3. That's really disappointing to hear, considering we have already leveled our characters to 24 and I doubt they would want to start over. Are there just no alliance leveling up?

  4. alliance=pvp IIIIIII horde=pve and thats it, as an alliance player on lordaeron i can say that pvp is very active on ally side especially if you like wg ,city raids ,wpvp is not active anymore maybe only for lowbies. Wintergrasp is full of people but yes unfortunately ally wining almost every time because they have better tactics and skills, horde just runing like little dogs everywhere, a lot of people screw up when they making horde for pvp on lordaeron because later they need 30 coins for transfer char from horde to ally side

  5. World PVP is active basically any time Swegger is online ;D

    if you're into world pvp, attacking horde cities and random world pvp, contact Swegger on aliance side.
    Other than that, there is some wpvp in WG but very little

  6. pvp-wpvp is active but on alliance side, on lordaeron never make horde char if you want pvp NEVER! haha,only if you want pve haha trust me xdD.
    Let me rephrase that, ally wpvp is active in the from of 80s camping Tarren Mill, STV and Gadgetzan lowbies and its not just 1 high *** decided to spend an evening there, its the whole squads of 5-10 people. So you would be wise to avoid those zones while leveling.

  7. World PVP is active basically any time Swegger is online ;D

    if you're into world pvp, attacking horde cities and random world pvp, contact Swegger on aliance side.
    Other than that, there is some wpvp in WG but very little
    very cool, can you teach me some pvp?

  8. World PVP is active basically any time Swegger is online ;D

    if you're into world pvp, attacking horde cities and random world pvp, contact Swegger on aliance side.
    Other than that, there is some wpvp in WG but very little
    I am Swegger and I approve this message.

  9. i just want to say that I'm happy on alliance side there is a lot of pvp players around, more than horde for sure. When i played on horde side there was so frustrating to watch how alliance destroying horde cities ,losing every wintergrasp every wpvp or something lol, they are just for pve and nothing more.

  10. Yeah the PVP on alliance side has been improved greatly as of lately. Lots of people in Elwynn Forest or Goldshire, occasional BG premades, and constant wpvp premades.

    But the fact still stand is that most people avoid playing it because of cross-realm and smourne being common item

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