1. Icc trash setup

    Hey guys what would be a nice icc trash setup?
    My Plan is :
    1x Pally Tank
    9x Ele shaman or Boomkins

    thanks :)

  2. 8 unholy DKs and 2 rdudu.
    One of the DKs in frost presence and tank gear.
    DKs deal nice AoE dmg with pestilence and http://wotlk.cavernoftime.com/spell=48545 gives them nice extra rp for deathcoil spam.
    All in all I find DKs much more efficient than ele shamis or boomkins for trash mob farming because they don't run oom and have better AoE dmg.

  3. Hi, honnestly with a minimum gear, a basic group of 5 can do it. For easyer/quicker run, 1 prot pal (aoe stun on undead, easy aggro, buffs etc) with those shaman will be better than boomi, depend of the tank gear, spec one healer can be a good deal for -10% physik, earthshield etc).
    I recommand to take a pet class (pet cant trigger trap), to manage the pull with the pet since you cant desactivate trap, if you cant manage a half room aggro on a bad trap.

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