1. Lf guild [A] english

    Hello, I'm looking for an English guild that raids somewhere around 2:00PM/14:00 Server time is ideal but I'm open to other options. looking for a primarily PVE guild but pvp on the side is a bonus, and preferably a social one that uses voice chat.
    I have a lot of characters that are mostly pvp geared bis or near bis etc. I have a lot of experience with wow 15~ years high-end pve/pvp and so far icc 25 normal clear. I have no doubts about my capability for heroic other than gear atm.
    DK-6k+SM Gear unholy dk. preference tank or dps pve
    Paladin-6k+SM Gear ret. preference dps or healing
    Shaman-6K+ pve geared enhance/pvp geared resto/ele. preference dps or healing
    Warrior-4k+ pve geared tank. preference tank/dps
    Mage(horde saving for transfer)-pvp geared. preference fire
    Rogue-leveling no gear
    Priest-leveling no gear pref healer

    thanks for taking the time to read.
    Edited: January 14, 2021

  2. I'm also interested in creating a guild for this timezone if there are enough people for this preferred timezone. So far I haven't found anything around this time on alliance.

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