1. Prot Paladin Avoid Cap for Anub'arak's Adds?

    I couldnt find any wotlk gearlist for prot for anub'arak's adds, so i came here to look if anyone has knowledge about it and share it with us.

  2. The cap you're looking for is "unhittable", and it's fairly easy to obtain with the huge amount of block chance you can get from Holy Shield and Redoubt. There isn't all that much of a gear list for it. As you gear up, you're going to naturally gain more avoidance stats, and there aren't many gear choices in the ToGC raid.

  3. I couldnt find any wotlk gearlist for prot for anub'arak's adds, so i came here to look if anyone has knowledge about it and share it with us.
    /run ChatFrame1:AddMessage(format("Unhittable at 102.4%% - you have %.2f%%", GetDodgeChance() + GetBlockChance() + GetParryChance() + 5 + 1/(0.0625 + 0.956/(GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL)/4.91850*0.04))))

    Do this in-game and you'll see where you're at. You need to reach that limit and then X amount of block damage depending on which version you're doing for becoming unhittable.

    This is assuming you're asking for whats required to do anub on heroic. If normal just get better gear and it'll become vastly easier tbh. On heroic you'll want specific pieces of armor, and a lot of those pieces are from naxx and ulduar. Some of them from WOTLK dungeons like the shield block trinket in Violet Hold, or the ring from Zul'aman.

  4. That doesn't account for spell usage and procs (Redoubt, Libram, etc), unless you're actively using the macro with all that up. As for the comments about Ulduar and Naxxramas gear, maybe for one choice trinket (Satrina's is too good not to use), all of the items you *should* be using will be from ToGC. Not only is it really easy to reach that point in stats due to how a paladin functions, but you would be missing out on too much EH stats in any other item slot to realistically bother with it.

  5. That doesn't account for spell usage and procs (Redoubt, Libram, etc), unless you're actively using the macro with all that up. As for the comments about Ulduar and Naxxramas gear, maybe for one choice trinket (Satrina's is too good not to use), all of the items you *should* be using will be from ToGC. Not only is it really easy to reach that point in stats due to how a paladin functions, but you would be missing out on too much EH stats in any other item slot to realistically bother with it.
    This doesn't account for those mainly because you don't want to rely on procs at all. You need to be unhittable 100% of the time, not rely on a charge-based ability like holy shield and even less on a proc-on-damage talent like redoubt.
    If you get hit at any point you run risk getting expose weakness applied, which will result in you dying because at 30+ hits/sec being taken it's a vicious cycle.

    Satrinas is, to say the least, useless when tanking those adds as a single tank. ToGC25-Addtanks usually run Lavanthor's Talisman and Purified Onyxa Blood Talisman for a reason. EHP-is entirely whatever if you don't get hit anyway.

    For a Protpala you might wanna use something along those lines:
    T9.5 Helm
    Necklace of Unerring Mettle
    Sunreaver Defender's Pauldrons
    Cloak of the Iron Council
    Unbreakable Chestguard
    Bindings of the Hapless Prey
    Handguards of the Enclave
    Dragonslayer's Brace
    T9.5 Legs
    Inexorable Sabatons
    Signet of the Earthshaker/Unsmashable Heavy Band
    Lavanthor's Talisman/Corpse Tongue Coin/Purified Onyxia Blood Talisman
    Falric's Wrist-Chopper
    Neverending Winter/Icecrown Glacial Wall
    Libram of Sacred Shield

    You might have to fiddle around with the items a bit, depending on what you have available. In general you should be able to work your set from it tho.

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