1. LF> Leveling Advice

    Hi, Just started playing an Affliction Warlock with a group of friends. It feels like everything dies too quickly before my dots can do dot things. I'm noticing the same in dungeons. I could change specs it's not big deal to me. But I definitely think I'm doing something wrong. Can anyone help me out, and give me a nice leveling build?

  2. https://wotlk.evowow.com/?talent#IfxdbuMhoiV0Iktbhbhkhb
    prio of talents:
    1.hit+drain life
    2.corruption bonuses
    (5).after getting improved felhunter, swap to demo tree before going further affi if you play solo, keep going affi is you play a lot of dungeons with your friends. 20%damage resistance, stamina buffs and improved health funnel will make you a juggernaut, facerolling everything on your wake.

    Affi is the best leveling spec (the others are playable after ~~45 lvl) that is giving you one of the smoothest wotlk leveling avaiable.

    Put corruption on everything you pull, CoA if they are not your primary drain life targets. No sbolt: too much mana, low dmg. Drain life is a way to go! remember, that using a drain soul right before target dies gives you a lot of mana=less life tapping=more dps. things die too quickly? yeah, they will die quickly, a good leveling is pulling more and surviving it.

    Make use of ur pet, learn how to control it, how to make it tank for you
    recommended leveling glyphs: healthstone, shadow trance(the one giving you sbolt on corrup ticks)
    make sure to do a felhunter quest whenever possible
    In case you are in dungeon and creeps die too fast: usually corruption on everything, unless they die within 3 seconds, then only drain life. Rain of fire on aoe
    Edited: December 5, 2020

  3. https://wotlk.evowow.com/?talent#IfxdbuMhoiV0Iktbhbhkhb
    prio of talents:
    1.hit+drain life
    2.corruption bonuses
    (5).after getting improved felhunter, swap to demo tree before going further affi if you play solo, keep going affi is you play a lot of dungeons with your friends. 20%damage resistance, stamina buffs and improved health funnel will make you a juggernaut, facerolling everything on your wake.

    Affi is the best leveling spec (the others are playable after ~~45 lvl) that is giving you one of the smoothest wotlk leveling avaiable.

    Put corruption on everything you pull, CoA if they are not your primary drain life targets. No sbolt: too much mana, low dmg. Drain life is a way to go! remember, that using a drain soul right before target dies gives you a lot of mana=less life tapping=more dps. things die too quickly? yeah, they will die quickly, a good leveling is pulling more and surviving it.

    Make use of ur pet, learn how to control it, how to make it tank for you
    recommended leveling glyphs: healthstone, shadow trance(the one giving you sbolt on corrup ticks)
    make sure to do a felhunter quest whenever possible
    In case you are in dungeon and creeps die too fast: usually corruption on everything, unless they die within 3 seconds, then only drain life. Rain of fire on aoe
    Why would u even waste your talent points into improved felhunter and death's embrace? Their gain during leveling is so little they are not even worth taking. Also, theres no point to switch to demo tree in time where your affli spec starts to hit its main spike. Proceed down into haunt, then go into demo talents. Use voidwalker all the time, u dont need to swap pets in this time.

    Glyph of healthstone is pointless, better take glyph of siphon life, it will give u much better hp sustain overall or just take glyph of quick decay/unstable affliction at 50 if ure happy with your sustain.

    https://wotlk.evowow.com/?talent#Icx...ktbG0hkhb:MwZz - This is my recommended tree with an option to swap improved drain soul into improved curse of agony later on (60+); Also if u dont rly need curse of exhaustion u can move the point into improved curse of agony

  4. Hi, Just started playing an Affliction Warlock with a group of friends. It feels like everything dies too quickly before my dots can do dot things. I'm noticing the same in dungeons. I could change specs it's not big deal to me. But I definitely think I'm doing something wrong. Can anyone help me out, and give me a nice leveling build?
    well, my bad, a nice leveling build would be...any of above, cant fk it up too much
    corruption+drain life for dps (aoe either rain of fire, seed of corruption or a normal corruption+agony on all)

    if u get a nice DPS meter (details) you will see which method is best for you

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