1. Macro for Abo buff PP in ICC

    I need a macro to buff the abomination with might / kings / motw whatever the buff may be without having to swap off my current target.


    #showtooltip Blessing of Might(Rank 10)
    /target Mutated Abomination
    /cast Blessing of Might(Rank 10)

    doesnt work, not sure if its possible to make a macro for @target somehow but i need some help to solve this.

    Any1 got a working macro to buff abo?

  2. You can use mouseover macro

    /cast [@mouseover] Blessing of Might

    and then just mouseover abo, your garget wont change.

    But like this is creating problems when there is no need for them, just switch target for a sec, buff him, its easier than making a macro for brainless task
    Aditionaly Abo players appear as they are named, if player in abo is named Proxd he will appear as Proxd on recount not Mutated Abomination, so you might have to /target playername

  3. Bumping incase someone else has a better solution.

  4. for druid buff, just do mass buff
    and for Palabuffs: if I'm not mistaken Abom counts as Rogue, so if you do GBOM/GBOK on rogues the abom should get it too

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