1. How can i get/buy relic for my retri paladin??

    Hi guys, im still newbie to wow. I have 4.5k gs retri paladin but mu relic is still 94 level... I grind so much on hc/nm fos&pos dungeons but couldnt find any relic.. Also in auctioner houee i couldnt find any relic too. I have 4k gold and if i can i wanna buy level >200 relic from auction house

    Can anyone help me pls :(

  2. You buy it for EoT in Dalaran.

  3. Can you give me name of the item pls. As i said i'm newbie for wow and i'm following experienced people advices.

    Getting eot point is very hard for me and i dont wanna buy wrong item with those points :( . My character is retri paladin. If i can buy this relic from auction house i wanna try that. Because someone told me i need to buy 2 other item with eot points. So if i can buy with gold the relic, i prefer it

  4. https://wotlk-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?npc=35494

    For horde it's upstairs, straight into the building.
    There also is a vendor at ToC i believe.

  5. Libram of Valiance is the name of the item you're looking for.

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