1. Pet attack/return macro

    Hi guys,

    does anyone of you know a macro where I can send my pet to attack with the press of my keybind, and when I press it again it returns to me?

    Thanks in advance!



  2. That can't be done.

    You can use Modifiers. Press the button and the pet attacks. Press the button with shift and they return.

    /petattack [nomod]
    /petdefensive [nomod]
    /petpassive [mod:shift]

  3. Hi Nedo,

    To me, the best and the more efficient way to controle your pet, is to use keybind, not maccros.

    Firstable, my pet is always in passive mod . (Because i play PvP most of the time, and i want to decide exactly when he attack. Depend on the situation...).

    And then i use the following combination of keybind :

    Petattack : Ctrl+Mouse Wheel up
    Petback : Crtl+Mouse Wheel down

    As Hunter, (and in my opinion, i should say in a general way, "As WoW player" ...), you more efficient playing with keybinds.
    Of course, you can keybind some maccros. But i think that those action don't need it.

    And you can do the same for other things. Like for example : I often need to change my aspect during fights. Especally cheetah and dragonhawk. So i bind them with Alt+Mouse wheel up and Alt+Mousewheel down... and so on for other abilities.

    It's up to you to find your own way of using keybinds.

    Hope this will be helpful.


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