1. FERAL DRUID Macros that I use


    Was trying to get good macros for Feral druid on internet, but some are for different expansions and do not work in 3.3.5a.

    I think I did ok for my first try. Every macro should work. Some are specific for my 2v2 partner so just change name and thats it.

    Hope I helpped someone.


    #showtooltip Remove Curse
    /cast [target=Verh] Remove Curse

    = You can remove HEX from your partner arena

    /use shadowmeld
    /use [noform]cat form;!prowl
    /cast [stealth] Pounce

    =For Night elfs racial

    /cleartarget [dead][help]
    /targetenemyplayer [noexist]
    /cast [stance:1] Maul; [stance:3] Shred
    /cast [stance:0/2/4/5] !Cat form
    /cast [nostealth] Prowl
    /cast [stealth] Ravage

    = So I made every attack I use in Cat to be in Bear the same button... this is for Shred / Maul.... if you are not in Bear or Cat it will go in cat and if ofcombat it will go in stealth. From stealth it will use Ravaga.

    /cleartarget [dead][help]
    /targetenemyplayer [noexist]
    /cast [stance:1] Lacerate; [stance:3] Rake
    /cast [stance:0/2/4/5] !Cat form
    /cast [nostealth] Prowl
    /cast [stealth] Pounce

    = Same here different spells... this is for bleeds = Lacerate / Rake.... if you are not in Bear or Cat it will go in cat and if ofcombat it will go in stealth. From stealth it will use Pounce.

    #showtooltip Pounce
    /cleartarget [dead][help]
    /targetenemy [noexist]
    /cast [nostance:3] !Cat Form
    /castsequence [nostealth] Mangle (Cat), Rake
    /cast Pounce
    /cast [nostealth] Prowl

    = This is one buttton opener, you can skip this, but i like it :)

    /cleartarget [dead][help]
    /targetenemyplayer [noexist]
    /cast [stance:1] Mangle (Bear); [stance:3] Mangle (Cat)
    /cast [stance:0/2/4/5] !Cat form
    /cast [nostealth] Prowl
    /cast [stealth] Pounce

    = For both Mangles, Stealth still Pounce... Revenge is only on shred so if u realy wanna burst u go there :D

    #showtooltip Dire Bear Form
    /cast [nostance:1] !Dire Bear Form
    /cast Frenzied Regeneration

    = One button macro for Bear and heal... u can use with enrage but problem with enrage is that you lose armor, so not so good idea.

    #showtooltip Faerie Fire
    /cast [nostance][stance:2/4/5] Faerie Fire; [stance:1/3] Faerie Fire (Feral)()

    = This is one button Faerie Fire, you need only this one since it will change spells if you are in human or forms

    /cleartarget [dead][help]
    /targetenemyplayer [noexist]
    /cast [stance:1] Swipe (Bear); [stance:3] Swipe (Cat)
    /cast [stance:0/2/4/5] !Cat form
    /cast [nostealth] Prowl
    /cast [stealth] Pounce

    = Swipe, that all... same cat stealth ****

    #showtooltip Feral Charge - Cat
    /cleartarget [dead][help]
    /cast [nostance:3] !Cat Form
    /cast [stance:3] Feral Charge - Cat

    = I like to have charges on my Shift + Mwheel up / down, so I use different macros for Cat and Bear. Cat Feral charge.

    #showtooltip Feral Charge - Bear
    /cleartarget [dead][help]
    /cast [nostance:1] !Dire Bear Form
    /cast [stance:1] Feral Charge - Bear

    = Bear Feral charge

    #showtooltip Cyclone
    /cast Cyclone

    = Just to make sure I got fast Cyclones

    #showtooltip Cyclone
    /cast [@focus, exists] Cyclone

    = Focus Cyclone

    #showtooltip Innervate
    /cast [target=Cefizelj] Innervate

    = Innervate on me / if u play with someone that use mana, u can have modifier here

    #showtooltip Survival Instincts
    /cast [noform:1/3] Dire Bear Form(Shapeshift)
    /cast Survival Instincts

    = To make sure u go in form if u are not in one.... it will go in Bear if u are not since u probably wont using Survival Instincts if u are not under pressure

    /cast !Cat form

    = Just to make sure I dont go human form

    /cast !Dire Bear Form

    = Just to make sure I dont go human form

    /cast !Travel form

    = Just to make sure I dont go human form

    #showtooltip Entangling Roots
    /cast [@focus, exists] Entangling Roots

    = Focus roots

    #showtooltip Healing Touch
    /cast [target=Verh] Healing Touch

    =Feral has instant heals, so this is macro for healing my partner with insta Healing Touch

    If anyone have macros that wanna share or have Ideas to improve mine, let me know.

    Have a nice day.


  2. A couple of pointers on how write more efficient macros:
    - Whenever you plan to type out "target=" you can use "@" instead. In your [target=Verh] macros for example you could shorten it to [@Verh]. One way to remember this is that @ stands for "at". So in the macro's case it's literally reading "cast at verh, healing touch".
    - You don't need to add anything after #showtooltip in order to have the macro show the icon of the ability it casts. In fact you don't actually need it at all if you don't care about the tooltip that pops up when hovering over the macro.
    - /use does the exact same thing as /cast except it takes 1 less character. It's a very small thing but if you're struggling with the macro character limit (like I am sometimes lol), it's useful to keep in mind.
    - You don't need a space after the modifier for the macro to use the ability. The only time when you need a space in a macro is after the very first /use or /cast

    Taking these 4 tips in mind you can change this macro:

    #showtooltip Healing Touch
    /cast [target=Verh] Healing Touch

    to look like this while it functioning exactly the same as before but taking up fewer characters:

    /use [@Verh]Healing Touch
    I would also advise against putting /stopcasting in the same macro that runs spells that require casting. You won't be able to spam those macros with /stopcasting in front of them which will screw you over in heated moments since your character will just keep stopping their casts. Especially considering ferals already don't really manually cast much having /stopcasting in those macros is kinda unnecessary and in cases where you do need to get a quick instant cast cyclone/root off and you're currently casting, you just tap your movement key to stop casting.
    Your /startattack lines also require [nostealth] after them to prevent you from accidentally exiting stealth when spamming those macros.
    You can also shorten the [stance:0/2/4/5] modifiers to [nostance:1/3]. Those two modifiers do the exact same thing which is to not cast cat form when in bear form or cat form.
    Regarding this macro:

    "#showtooltip Dire Bear Form
    /cast [nostance:1] !Dire Bear Form
    /cast Frenzied Regeneration

    = One button macro for Bear and heal... u can use with enrage but problem with enrage is that you lose armor, so not so good idea."

    You can add "/use Enrage" at the start and "/cancelaura Enrage" at the end and you'll be able to double tap the macro to gain 20 rage while cancelling the armor reduction.
    Beyond that your macros look pretty good. Some things I would add would be /cancelaura Swift Flight Form (or regular Flight Form) to the macros so you can exit flight form much more easily and be able to attack/heal someone slightly faster.
    Something else that might be useful to know is that macros can cast different things depending on which spec is active by adding [spec:1] or [spec:2] as modifiers to your abilities. For example "/use [spec:1]Insect Swarm;[spec:2]Wild Growth" will cast insect swarm if your first talent specialization is active and wild growth if your second is active.
    In general though, most macros are very personal and dependent on a player's keybinding and UI set up. Sharing the more specialized ones can be a bit unhelpful because they're simply too unique to a player's set up. That said I do have one macro I'd like to share that I think is helpful to any night elf druid:

    /use Shadowmeld
    /use !Swift Flight Form

    = Spam this macro and you will be able to escape ANY open world encounter by mounting up even if you were previously in combat.

  3. Emfg Thank you for corections and suggestion... i will add enrage into my bear macro like u said.

    I was sharing because since week ago I was not so good at macros and building druid seemed impossible... Mybe someone will get at least idea what you can do with all of this :)

  4. Here are some macros that I use:

    #showtooltip Rebirth(Rank 7)
    /stopmacro [nohelp,nodead]
    /run c="Resurrecting %t"if UnitInRaid("player")then SendChatMessage(c, "RAID")elseif GetNumPartyMembers()>0 then SendChatMessage(c, "PARTY")end
    /cast [combat] Rebirth ; Revive
    Description: This command combines the druid's resurrection spells, and it announces in /p or /raid chat whenever you bring someone back to life. Depending on whether you are in combat or not, it uses either the normal revival spell or the bress.

    #showtooltip Innervate
    /cast [help] Innervate
    /script SendChatMessage("innervated.", "WHISPER", nil, UnitName("target"))
    Description: Whenever you innervate someone, you /w them "innervated".

    #showtooltip Barkskin
    /cast Barkskin
    /cast Nature's Grasp
    Description: Personally I hate having too many keybinds. This macro combines two defensive abilitites.

    #showtooltip Tiger's Fury
    /cast {name of the gloves with Nitrospeed Accelerators if you have Engineering}
    /cast Tiger's Fury
    Description: -//- This macro combines two offensive abilities.

    NB! NONE of the macros I mentioned above are mandatory. If someone wants to improve their ingame performance, then they should use good addons and communicate with other members during a raid. For example, I use grid2. I can keep track of the healers, whose mana goes below 50% (or below a different threshold), and dead players. Because of that information, I can react immediately. So, again, you don't need the macros I suggested above. No one will read the /raid chat during a boss encounter. People will be too occupied with the boss mechanics.

  5. /use Bravo :))

    perfect tips i didnt know it thanks loooot <3

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