1. Gurubashi Arena in icecrown

    Hello I am a twink lev 19 in icecrown realm I really have problem all this last period with the Gurubashi Arena I know the box show up every 3 hours like 12am . 3am .6am ... I stay all nigth long awake to be there and always a multi box player kill me or other and there no chance for twink lev 19 to win this and they are there all time my suggestion is like example in BlackRock twink lev 19 they play arena or bgs in one point they know for sure they will get it soon or later here in icecrown it's crazy people always there people always kill me and the more mad people dont need what is in box like example I need to farm 12 trinket to get Arena Grand Master and it's a bis trinket for twink there is any option for twink in icecrown to have same thing as twink in BlackRock that we play arena or we buy it with honor or something like that help us ! Help people that wanna enjoy play twink in icecrown thank you and hope u find for us solution I dont think I am only twink that thing about this ..
    Salute .

  2. That's something to be dealt with in game. Get people to help you clear the ones camping the place or something like that.

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