1. Question for WeakAura Shield Absorption Value for 3.3.5


    I've been trying to mess around with Weak Auras to create various handy WeakAura interface (I play in Lordaeron server).
    The one that I try to create now is a WA that shows the remaining amount that can be absorbed by shield-type spell, such as Mana Shield.
    As you may have known, the default options in WA can only display the remaining duration, instead of the remaining absorption amount.
    In order to get the amount of the absorption, I imagine that I'd need to use the custom function in WA.

    However, even after hours of research, I cannot seem to find any kind of API that can query the sheild absorption amount.
    I know that there's an API called UnitGetTotalAbsorbs, but this was added on patch 5.2.0, so it's not really helpful.
    Another API that I suspected to be helpful was UnitBuff, but there were no shield absorption amount within the values it return.

    With that being said, does anyone here know any way to get the remaining shield absorption amount that works in 3.3.5?
    Or is it physically impossible to do so?

    Thanks in advance

  2. Hi Mate

    I was looking for this too, without success, try this addon https://www.wowinterface.com/downloa...atch.html#info It is very ugly, but doing the job !

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