1. I dont know what class to use as a main .Hunter or Pala

    I have read a lot of from this forum and still I see comments that pala ret are everywhere and on BG they are monsters with this legendary weapon . What about Hunters? I want to play on this server with relax/ Do some raids / Dungeons and mostly BGs but not arena . Still I want to do good aoe and kill mobs easy to gather some **** . I saw ppl say there is a lot of palas and raids mostly need hunters and warlocks?

    Can you help me choose ?
    Server Icecrown

  2. Both are needed in raids approximately in a same demand (2 of each in each 25man). Both have some responsibility dealing with raid mechanics/tactics, I'd say its "tied" in that aspect. There is just huge amount of "discount" retris running around, if you do good, you will have a spot guaranteed with either class.

    Hunters are real good to melt people in BGs, but you have to be quick on your feet and not let them hit you, while with retri, well in most situations you are chasing.

    Killing packs of mobs, definitely retri is easy for that. Can do it with hunter too, very effectively, I guess it takes more practice to run in circles and keep mobs on traps.

    I'd suggest you base you decision on which class you liek to play better, unless your guild needs something specific for raids or whatever.

  3. I was thinking more like if i choose Pala i Will go Tank/DPS Tank for Raid and DPS for BGs

    I love hunter and i was playing in retail a lot of with hunters .

    But still i havent play never as a Paladin .

    I just want to chill in every aspect of game / PVP or PVE

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