1. Looking for AoE Farming Spec

    Anyone have a decent frost AoE spec build to farm with. Not level as I'm 80 and want to just farm trash for gold and the occasional boe to auction.

  2. What level content you aim to AoE?
    Quickly made this: https://wotlkdb.com/?talent#ofcVM00h...u0fdgfs:jbmMm0

    Key features I had in mind:
    Blizzard as main focus
    Mana regeneration (less breaks)
    Buffed up armor, though not sure if it even makes a difference (melee attacks will least hit you less, so your bubble lasts longer).

  3. As far as I know it's not good to spec Frostbite when you aoe farm with blizzard. The mobs get split up because some are frozen in place while others keep walking after you.

  4. This abomination should do the trick.

    Extreme slow to keep them away for as long as possible, doing full damage on at least 2 targets should guarantee Clearcasting. You will miss a couple procs, because blizz is weird, but you still have 50% mp5 + 90 mana per each crit tick from Master of Elements. Self buffed, with the standard ttw fire, I did 2mil on 3 dummies continuously until OOM. With that disgusting spec, you should do much more on behalf of the extra frost damage bonus and crit modifiers.
    Why stay mostly fire? Because through that whole thing, blizz crits gave over 55k mana. To put into perspective, you'd have about 200 max mp5. Let's say it's more, it's 500. That means you'd need a bit over 9 minutes to regen 55k.
    All this being said, Flamestrike in a proper ttw fire spec does more damage / target, and gets you more and more reliable mana at higher target count. If you can hit at least 5-6 targets with each cast, you should never run out of mana. More than that, and your casts will refund more mana than they use. But you will take more damage, and thus require more eating breaks.

  5. I was bored, so I tried this

    pulled a little over 6mil damage, with about 100k mana from master of elements.

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