1. 1FPS when moving my mouse please help.

    Hello. I just installed the game to play with my mates but i have an issue. When i am moving my mouse i am getting down to 1fps, the game is unplayable, my friends can see my character barely moving when i do this. Wierd part is that if i hold down mousebutton 1 and then move my mouse around there is no lag, it's ONLY when i move my mouse without clicking anything. Any1 have any idea what may cause this ? I can't even play, can only get boosted cause if i move the mouse my game just freeze.

  2. it should be an issue due to a recent version of Nvidia driver. Try update to latest version or, if not possible, to a previous version

    Otherwise even this should help:
    In-game menu > video > disable "Hardware cursor"

  3. Hello. Thanks, gonna try the "Hardware Cursor" first then the driver!

  4. Turning off Hardware cursos worked! Thanks mate :)

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