1. Bad rotation or what?

    I play as marksman hunter and my rotation usually is: serpent sting, chimera, Aimed, Arcane Shot, and steady shot until I can repeat or hit with one of the last.

    But when I see my records on Skada, most of my damage comes from auto shot, it is normal?



    My GS is 4.948 and in a regular dungeon I can't do more than 1.50 M...

  2. auto shots is hunters top dmg,

    in a raid environement like icc the dmg spreadsheet goes like this:
    Auto Attack
    Steady Shot
    Piercing Shots (rng and only with feral)
    Explosive Trap (depends how much trapping you pull off)
    Aimed Shot
    Kill Shot
    Serpent Sting
    Edited: March 2, 2021

  3. and also from your image it seems youre using a gorilla pet, change it for a wolf and make sure you use Furious Howl whenever ready and get the pet talents Call of the Wild and Rabid,

    it also seems youre not doing enough steady shots, make sure you are glyphed into steady shot, serpent sting and 3rd is optional between explosive trap if spec'd , kill shot and hawk, ( i prefer hawk if youre not using trap spec as it provides a bigger gain in a raid since you can barely kill shot twice anyway)

    but if this is dungeon trash, im assuming things die faster than you can steady, unless this is a boss fight which you should be doing the proper rotation

  4. proper rotation for that gs would be: rapid fire+ hyperspeeds if you have, potion of speed if you have, call of the wild and furious howl from pet (furious howl should be either macro'd or put on auto use, call of the wild i use it manually because of double call of the wild trick, but this is more advanced), then rotation goes like this: rapid fire, serpent sting, chimera, aimed, arcane shot, spam steady until chimera is back up and redo in the same order, you should never have downtime.

  5. Yeah thanks i think this is the key " spam steady until chimera is back up and redo in the same order" coz i dont have enough armor penetration to use steady shot but i don't have an order when my skills are ready again.

  6. Go serpent - chimera - aimed - steady x4
    Also make sure u have macroed silencing shot with chimera and aimed. It doesnt consume global cd and should be used whenever ready in PvE

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