This should say all that needs saying.

For those speaking about the measures being applied to premades, please note that we have no plans to do this to any extent. People think we can ban AVEnabler, but this is technically not possible, without breaking our own battleground queue system, and we have no plan to do that. Also, banning one addon would just produce another one, a better one. As those who have seen during our April 1st joke, the GearScore addon when disabled, produced a replacement in minutes. Also, we have no issues with people grouping up to play PvP, in fact, we'd say it's a natural way to play the game.

If you are being beaten by a premade, make one your own, take the initiative, write a few recruitment messages on global. You do not even need voice chat, just minimal cooperation, and you can already compete. This is a massive multiplayer game. Solo play is possible, but it is not the way you go if you want to win in a multiplayer game. This is the case in any multiplayer game. Playing Solo in Ranked in League of Legends will produce a similar experience.

Naturally, we can limit this, however, this would be counter-productive. Punishing people for grouping up is not the way to go. Chinese players are very aware of this, as they see people playing in premades as dishonorable and even a have a term for it, and are generally more negative to this kind of playstyle and yet they never made any effort to limit it or ban it, as it is the natural way of playing and it is normal to expect people to group up. We have no intention of limiting this playstyle.