1. Making a different class every single time

    hi so i have a really big problem and it's that whenever i make a class when i'm leveling it while leveling i get bored (because i'm leveling by myself and it makes me lose motivation) and THEN i go ahead and make another class and spend gold on it then get bored and repeat. any tips that can help me with this stupid thing?and i also have another problem. i can't find my main class i need help with this one too please

  2. You need to find a nice little quest chain that will get you ahead in exp to move your character forward. Whatever level you stop at look for a nice quest location. Or whenever you don't feel motivated. Join 5-10 RDFs and get some of the quickest exp in game. And you don't need help to find your main class. You need to learn a fast way of getting to level 80. Main class will show itself once you have enough toons at level 80.
    Edited: April 14, 2021

  3. You need to go to AA (Altoholics Anonymous)

  4. My standard server start method is to make about 4 characters. Play each until about level 20, then rotate to the next one. After 20, I just log in and play until my rested experience is used up, then park that character back in an inn and rotate to a different character.

    Keeps things interesting, and has the benefit of leveling several professions at the same time (can feed cloth all to a caster, all the herbs to an alchemist, etc.).

  5. Play a hybrid class like druid where your gameplay can vary. I get bored out of my mind when i play generic classes like mage or rogue.

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