1. May 24, 2021  
    managing is learning what u use and when u use and how u can beat an encounter without wasting
    if u want to waste and have all buff on every fight ur not managing anything
    waiting is just result of ur choice so suck it up dont ask for quality of laziness changes
    Your post presumes that you are being "wasteful" by selecting to play every fight as optimally as possible, which is quite frankly the stupidest take I have ever heard in the history of stupid takes being taken. Heroism is not a WASTE in any fight.

  2. May 24, 2021  
    Properly managing BL is part of "perform your best".
    Yes, learning to manage lust WITHIN the context of a SINGULAR encounter is "performing your best as a raid". Do you lust on start, do you lust near execute, how many times can you lust during one encounter and if it's only one when is it most beneficial; these are examples of properly managing BL. Waiting for cooldown before you even pull so you can have lust when you need it is not "managing BL".

  3. May 24, 2021  
    @theonemoh no presuming thats a fact
    why do u thing there are cooldowns at all u lazy **** lol
    They have cooldowns because they are powerful abilities that provide extra utility, defense, or offensive capabilities for a limited duration. They would be overpowered if they didn't have a cooldown. If you misuse a cooldown or don't use a cooldown at a proper time WITHIN the context of a specific fight, i.e. using Hand of Sac on Fester tank when he only has one stack, then that is a waste; not having a cooldown for the start of a new boss fight, when you want to use all your cooldowns with lust, because you used it near the end of a previous boss encounter is not improper management of CDs or "wasteful" to secure the kill of the previous boss encounter.

    The type of QoL change I am suggesting was introduced in retail specifically for the reasons that are being listed here.

  4. May 24, 2021  
    I'd like to see a raid where after each boss everyone goes afk for 6mins, lmao
    There is a choice, spend a lot of time and be stronger VS finish raid faster while being weaker on individual bosses. Can be argued that "full power" is without BL and BL is just and extra crutch, a training wheel for when that one boss phase is just too hard.

    dropped from the "have to manage" list.
    This is the death of an RPG games. This kind of thinking will turn your favorite game into bland grind that plays itself.

  5. May 24, 2021  
    if you want to have all your cd's then sit around twiddling your thumbs until they reset. otherwise do what everyone else does and manage them according.

  6. May 25, 2021  
    This idea is so bad thats its even hard to comment.

    Maybe lets make it simply, just get rid of hp/mana/cooldowns/casttime in the name of fastest and easier experience.

    Plan Your cooldowns well. If You fail, its Your fault and You should be punished - just like someone above said.

    I dont want this retail ****, which remind me more of an mobile game rn than actual wow.

    This suggestion is nonononononono.
    Edited: May 25, 2021

  7. May 25, 2021  
    I genuinely don't understand what you're trying to say or what issue you have. Are you raising an issue with, say, for example, raids using lust and CDs on trash and then pulling a boss to reset CDs and then being able to start fresh on a boss with all raid CDs? Because that's exactly what retail players do and it feels good, and one example of why this would be a good change. It wouldn't be "exploiting" as in an abuse of a bug when this would be the intended effect: being able to pull a boss and reset raid CDs.
    Sorry, I forgot that part of the suggestion, was to reset CD's on kill, and it makes it even worse. Perhaps my comment now makes more sense?

    As other's have stated, managing cooldowns is big part of the raiding. Which bosses should I use Blood Lust/Heroism on? Should I ankh now, or save it for later? This ***** died on Gunship Battle, should I combat ress him? They are powerful spells, they have long cooldowns for a reason.
    The cooldowns don't probably matter in retail, where every other class can combat ress or Blood Lust/Heroism (I guess Sated debuff is still there, though?). This retail feature seems like it's catering to weaker players, while giving pro level players a lot of benefits as well. Weaker players gets harder bosses down more easily with CD resets, while pro's just steamroll through, more so thanks to CD resets.

    Why not make easy bosses that don't require CD's at all.. Oh yeah, because that wouldn't be fun and challenging.

  8. May 25, 2021  
    Sorry, I forgot that part of the suggestion, was to reset CD's on kill, and it makes it even worse. Perhaps my comment now makes more sense?

    As other's have stated, managing cooldowns is big part of the raiding. Which bosses should I use Blood Lust/Heroism on? Should I ankh now, or save it for later? This ***** died on Gunship Battle, should I combat ress him? They are powerful spells, they have long cooldowns for a reason.
    The cooldowns don't probably matter in retail, where every other class can combat ress or Blood Lust/Heroism (I guess Sated debuff is still there, though?). This retail feature seems like it's catering to weaker players, while giving pro level players a lot of benefits as well. Weaker players gets harder bosses down more easily with CD resets, while pro's just steamroll through, more so thanks to CD resets.

    Why not make easy bosses that don't require CD's at all.. Oh yeah, because that wouldn't be fun and challenging.
    Managing cooldowns as is is a part of raiding not because it was intended to be a part of raiding but because people do not want to deal with the annoyance of waiting so they can have each pull be completely 100% optimal. BL/Hero would benefit every single pull but people don't want to deal with the annoyance of suiciding / waiting for exhaustion to pass off.

    It is absolutely true that these are "powerful spells" that have a cooldown for a reason, but that cooldown's reason is within the ENCOUNTER itself, or reasons that are entirely outside of the realm of PVE (i.e. ankhing constantly in EoTs and blowing people off the bridge or spamming heroism after a priest spams MD if you have multiple shamans). In PVE this is a different story because you could, theoretically, do a boss PER day. You aren't forced to consume the entirety of the raid in one breath (as you are in PVP which is usually dynamic and is where you HAVE to manage your CD's according to the situation).

    The fact that you can simply AFK and play something else while you are ready for a fight again speaks NOTHING of your skills as a player by "managing cooldowns". These are cooldowns that you manage because you are forced to by their existence and bad faith nostalgia has you adamantly defend them as a "necessary part of the game" while in reality NOT waiting for the cooldowns before each pull is the WRONG way to play and people just play WRONG for the sake of sparing some minutes. Weaker players would have an easier time if they waited for 10 minutes between pulls as well.

    But people arguing for the sake of being a contrarian to a suggestion are hopeless and is the reason why we can't have nice things.

  9. May 25, 2021  
    The way you guys are misrepresenting what is being said is incredibly disingenuous. It is being misconstrued or strawmanned that I am, in essence, suggesting cooldowns should be reset mid-pull or that content be nerfed to values that are so easy that we mind as well have vendors that give out free gear as long as you kill bosses.

    Nobody cares what cooldowns you use on trash. Nobody cares about how fast a guild clears trash or the raid in total. Nobody cares if or how many potions you use on trash. Nobody cares about how much you min-max on trash, how you position, how you move, in what order you use your buttons, how you choose to delay certain abilities in your rotation to min-max damage on the trash before or in between any boss encounter. And NONE of these actions have any influence on your performance within the boss fight -- trash is not a phase 3.5 transition phase where you run in between bosses to clear as fast as possible or else the boss enrages. The only thing that people care about as far as performance goes is your performance on bosses, because that is THE point of raiding, that is where the REWARD of raiding comes from. Every metric of dick-waving is solely on BOSS fights. Trash is in no way relevant to the individual boss encounter, and so cooldowns, which the bosses in raids are designed around players using properly in the individual boss fights, should be fully available to use on every boss. Just because both IC and Lorda are fully progressed and everyone out gears the content does nothing to change this, as this is just a matter of fact. Players can (and do) either waste x amount of time sitting and waiting for cooldowns or they can pull without full cooldowns; it's an arbitrary, waste of time value to the actual encounter -- there is no metric on WoWLogs about how long guilds waited before pull.

  10. May 25, 2021  
    I think everyone gave pretty decent argument, considering this "joke suggestion".
    You want to wave big dick on boss DPS, you wait for cooldowns.
    It's called "skill" to manage cooldowns properly.
    Actually players consider trash mobs, use cooldowns on them taking length of trash fight and next boss in mind. They look at a raid as a whole, not just "each boss".

    Your premise is from a very one sided perspective. I understood your original suggestion was to save people time, as you are under delusion that people wait for BL on every boss, which actually is very rare, usually with something specific in mind(like speedkill or a crutch for boss/phase).

    This suggestion would actually subtract from gameplay. For that reason alone it probably will never happen, not even considering floodgate of all kinds of exploits and abuse this would potentially bring. Like if a player has released already, does his CDs reset? So if players get a reset while being in another instance, why not make 20man raid and raid 2 10man raid in paralel, resetting CDs constantly, thats just something i came up in 5 secs, imagine the extent of abuse this would bring, while giving nothing, actually it would be 2 negatives. My suggestion to make all CDs and procs permanent now seems kind of reasonable lol

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