1. The situation of PUGs and recruitment

    A very general question for both sides.

    * How does the situation on PUGs look like?
    * What is the situation with recruiting for guilds?

    I am asking here about the deficiencies in the classrooms. I've played every PvP / PvE class on WotLK and I'm planning a comeback. Due to the fact of my family and the time available, I would like to play with the invoice pugs after reaching the level for availability in the hours 20: 00/21: 00 Server Time, depending on my time zone.

    For this reason, I would like to play PvE with something that is easier to get a slot than struggling for a place in raids :).
    If there is a guild that raids from 21:00 server time and above - I would like to meet :).

    Even with my time, i pick this realm because i don't like Shadowmourne and items from itemshop :)
    Edited: August 7, 2021 Reason: Comment

  2. Okay, first: there's plenty of proud Shadowmourne owners. The server is quite old, patch 3.3 content has been available for some time.

    Now about PUGs. Every role is in demand, however good tanks and healers are needed most. It's rare PUGs use any voice communication, usually it's just caps lock messages in the raid warning channel. Raids are like a lottery: you'll never know how decent your group is and how many bosses in ICC you'll be able to kill. PUGs usually can't kill Professor and Sindy. If you want to do 12/12, you'll have to find a guild or wait for a long time until you occasionally join some semi-guild run.

    About guilds. There's an active recruitment done by many guilds with all levels of progression. In my experience, most look for healers (rshamans, hpaladins) and DPS (spriests, boomkins, rpaladins, demo warlocks, etc). But if you're fresh 80, you can be any role or class, there will be plenty of starter guilds to choose from.

    That's how I see the situation anyway. If you decide to start here, good luck.

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