1. Being kicked from dungeon group by a group of guildies

    Just got kicked on last boss of a RDF H with a few guildies in it.

    Is this punishable?

    There seemingly is no way to stop this if they want to do it to get someone in there group loot.

    Just curious on server rules.


  2. No rules cover that. How would you go about proving they kicked you because of that? Unless they were dumb enough to actually be bragging about doing it to you and you screenshot it, there's a whole list of reasons that could have got you kicked, from your performance being under par to you being annoying/insulting at some point, and GMs can't just assume the worst one without any evidence.

  3. It can also happen that they kicked you if they think you need some items which they would need in particular. Might sound bad but it does happen.

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