1. Loremaster Alliance (Nagrand Slam)

    Sah dudes on Warmane

    I need some help / tips n tricks.

    Currently doing Loremaster, and i'm stuck on Nagrand Slam with 2 quests left.

    Any1 have any tips n tricks where i can look for quests? And does Halaa quest count?

    Alliance is the faction.


  2. Have you tried the EveryQuest addon?

    The following quests do NOT count for loremaster: https://tcubuntu.northeurope.cloudap...44;crs=2;crv=0

  3. A while back i've heard people mention they changed faction to get their lore master

  4. Changing faction doesn't really work for Loremaster, as only certain quests, specifically both faction ones, carry over.

  5. Unless it has changed recently, the unaccessible quests keep counting.

  6. I was under that assumption too, but unless I found a bug, it seems like it's been changed.

  7. Well, i'm still stuck even though i tried EverQuest or w/e the addon is called. Now i'm stuck in Netherstorm to with 7 quests to go.. So that feelsbad..

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