Hello , so i was wondering about the lower bg bracket , i know its something about 219 avg ilvl or something like this....and i know if i am lets say 200 ilvl getting any kind of BiS item will make go higher bracket etc even deleting item after or puting in bank i will stil stay higer bracket since this happened to me allrdy.

So the question is since i would like to play a paly in the lower bracket and i really cba to level one and tbh dont have the time for it neither the nerves.

Would lets say buying a pala for 30 coins over trade make me be in the low bracket or I would automatically be in the higher bracket since the character probably had high ilvl items in the past , anyone got any feedback & experience with this?

So just curious when you bought character off trade were you in the high bracket even with low gear or this "cap" refreshes when the character is sold?

Really enjoy to play a bg or two in the low bracket sometimes , something different and kinda fun.