1. I bought the wrong item, I'm stupid

    Eng = I wanted to buy t10 for a shaman's heal, but I got blunt and bought it for a caster (the stats are the same, only the bonus set is different), I saw it only when I hung up and inserted the stones, what to do, help, I've been collecting on it for so long
    Rus = Хотел купить т10 на хила шамана, но затупил и купил на кастера ( статы одни и те же, только бонус сет разный), увидел это только тогда когда чарнул и вставил камни, что делать помогите я так долго на него собирал

  2. Refund the item to the vendor if less than 2 hours passed. If they passed, nothing. Farm again.

  3. there is hope for the help of the administration, MB will help and correct the oversight, especially for them it is not difficult

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