1. is this macro OK to use here ??

    This was deemed OK to use as it was built into the game back in the day.. Just want to make sure its ok here .. Its all built into the game and no other softwear or addon is needed..

    the macro....
    /run if not THO then local f,t,c=CreateFrame("Frame","THO"),1,0 f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(_, e) c=c+e if c>3 then c=0 SetTracking(t) if t==1 then t=2 else t=1 end end end) THO:Hide() end
    /run if THO:IsVisible() then THO:Hide() else THO:Show() end

    what it does ....

    it toggles and swaps between find herbs and find minerals..

    Would like an official replay ..

    TY vm

  2. I doubt you will get an "official" response, but I am 99.9% certain it's perfectly fine. A lot of hunters, including myself, will use very similar tech to swap tracking based on the mob they are currently attacking and noone was ever banned for it.

    In actuality, I am struggling to think of a macro that would be against ToS. Unless maybe you're using one to sell gold :D

  3. addon - automatically changes your tracking type

    As long as the function(s) you're trying to use is not protected you're more than fine to do whatever you want.
    Some people even use pet spells like ghoul stun, felhunter dispel/kick, succubus seduction in macro scripts (they are not protected until MoP) for years
    Edited: April 19, 2022

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