Mage - HIGH
Warlock - HIGH
Resto Druid - MEDIUM
Disc priest - MEDIUM
Arms Warrior - MEDIUM
Feral cat (w/ tank OS) - MEDIUM
Hunter - LOW
Frost DK - LOW
Rogue - CLOSED

RAID DAYS: Wed/thurs 12-4pm EST (16-20st)

Discord: Smooth#0620

Welcome to <POLAR> a NA based guild with EU friendly times. Our goal here is to gain info and practice on our classes for the upcoming blizzard WotLK classic launch while having a good time here on Warmane.

A majority of us love to push our classes to the highest potential and min/max as much as possible. Competing against each other helps us strive to be better and is very healthy for a guild in progression.

We are a heavy discord used guild and would love to have you all come stop by in the channels and say hi once in awhile so we get to know you. We do not have an application process so our best way is to run dungeons with you and see how you play in game.

Our loot decisions are Loot council based off of performance, attendance is a huge part of that, so if you cannot make raid, please let us know in raid-attendance!

Even not as a "semi/hardcore" raiding guild, I still ask that you: Show up fully enchanted and gemmed, farmed your Pre-BIS (part of performance) and fully consumed (flasked, etc.)

I hope you enjoy your stay here in <POLAR> and make some friends along the way!