1. Sprint + Nitro boots macro

    Hi all.
    I'm wondering if there is a macro that I can bind both my nitro boots and sprint together - i.e. first click activates nitro boots, and second click activates sprint if nitro is on CD.
    I'd prefer if both are keybinded to the same key rather than having to hold alt/shift etc to activate the sprint
    Any ideas?
    Many thanks in advance!

  2. #showtooltip
    /castsequence 8, Sprint

    8 should work, but if not, then use the name of the boots you've equipped e.g.

    /castsequence Frostbitten Fur Boots, Sprint

    This would loop nitro boots and sprint, but not having the luxury of using sprint if nitro boots are on CD.
    With clever reset, you could pull off nitro - nitro - sprint or sprint -sprint - nitro

    /castsequence reset=180 Sprint, Frostbitten Fur Boots

    This should do so that after you sprint, nitro boots will be next option ('180' if no talents or anything affecting Sprint CD, change it to your sprint CD in seconds if you have CD altering effects, abilities or talents). If the macro is not pressed, it will reset back to Sprint instead after it's CD expires. Swap spell order to have it work the other way around.
    Edited: June 30, 2022

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