1. Hey I am new to Warmane and have a question

    I want to get into social gaming again. (Hence why i'm on the hunt for a new MMORPG to play and why im here :D). Should I play WOTLK or Most of Pandaria? I saw the different downloads and was wondering what one is my active! Thanks again!

  2. Hey,
    WOTLK realms are more active and populated for sure. You will have no problem to find people to play with, no matter what you are up to. Also each wotlk realm is different in some details. Lordaeron is slow x1 rates, stronger bosses in raids for more challenge and no gear in coin shop. Icecrown is "blizzlike" with changed some few things, such as faster exp, reputations and proffesions. Frostmourne resets every year and has a mix of both of previous, plus whole bunch new things, like mythic dungeons among other things.

    Moist of Pandaria has smaller crowd and, as I see, major focus is to develop wotlk realms, so you might have harder time to find likeminded people. Or maybe it's opposite, it's easier to play with people there, as pretty much everyone knows everyone on MOP realm, at least more famous/infamous characters. Tbh I miss that on wotlk.
    Edited: July 13, 2022

  3. Hi

    WotLK is definitely the reason why a lot of players are here on Warmane. Few servers to choose from (with some crossplay), it's easy to meet and greet new people, for better or worse. You certainly won't feel alone much of the time.

    Must of Pandaria (Frostwolf )is very low population realm here. I think it averages around 250-300 players online. I don't think much has changed there over the years since I last played there.

    Overall, I would only recommend WotLK here on Warmane.

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