1. Dungeon Deserters

    I want to suggest an increased penalty for dungeon desertions since a 30 min debuff clearly isn't enough. I'm not sure how much of a problem this is on other servers but on Icecrown you can't go a day farming heroics without some dip**** leaving at the start of a dungeon (usually healer or tank) and making everyone else wait for at least another 10 min until you can find someone else, if of course the group doesn't fall apart immediatly.

    Overall I'd say the PuG culture on Warmane's pretty bad already. There's this weird expectation when you join RDF that everyone has to have considerably high GS and we have to be in a dungeon that can be completed in 5 minutes tops, skipping as many bosses as possible, anything else causes people to quit. I know nobody likes to have their time wasted, but we're at a point where more time's being wasted by desertions than possible wipes.

    Maybe giving deserters a debuff causing their next dungeon to yield no rewards or something similar could suffice. I'll admit that I don't have the expertise to say how easy or difficult it'd be to implement something like this, but I hope that the Staff at least takes the idea into consideration. Thank you.

  2. Maybe giving deserters a debuff causing their next dungeon to yield no rewards or something similar could suffice. I'll admit that I don't have the expertise to say how easy or difficult it'd be to implement something like this, but I hope that the Staff at least takes the idea into consideration. Thank you.
    Nah, that wouldn't be fair.

    I haven't run into many who would drop out of the group lately. The deserter time being only 30 mins feels slight inconvenience as I see it.
    30 mins is about the same time it takes to log alt, que and do RDF. Tanks and heals might do it quicker. So very little "downtime" would occur. Hardly a "punishment/discouragement", if you just avoided longer/annoying dungeon.
    60 mins would feel like a "punishment" of not playing RDF. 1 hour to do something before you can try it again, more inconvenient than log 1 alt and do RDF on that toon.

  3. I propose, to be able to que RDF you must write a contract in your own blood, stating that you will sacrifice your firstborn if you leave without writing a detailed explanation with proper reasons and send it to Warmane secret headquarters on the dark side of the Moon.

    Jokes aside, maybe RDF groups should be permanent, you just cant leave, you can't refuse to do it, even if you mom asks you to unload the dishwasher.

    But now seriously, just find people who want to farm and who don't like deserters. Problem solved, by playing the game, what a surprise. It's not like punishing every person who leaves will solve anything, people will still leave. You talk as if they are malicious, that's a mistake.

  4. I think a proper deserter buff should be either 1 hour or half an hour accountwide. It would make those people stay who are just on the edge from leaving.

  5. I think a proper deserter buff should be either 1 hour or half an hour accountwide. It would make those people stay who are just on the edge from leaving.
    As if we don't get enough complaints about players not willing to leave (or move whatsoever) the dungeon to avoid the debuff, you want to make sure 100% of the players will avoid it now? You can't really force people to do what they don't want by forcing a rule on them. They would just quit the game and come back later to the point of getting bored of the game.

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