1. Suggestions about Blackrock WPVP zone cheaters and abusers

    Hi, there are consistently cheaters happily flying around, even at this very moment in fact, in the WPVP zone of Blackrock (Isle of Quel'Danas).
    Even when the zone was Gurubashi Arena, the same issue was present.

    Doubts and suggestions:

    Evidently, flying/teleporting/whatever cheats aren't automatically banned which is curious, but I understand this might be some sort of anti-cheating strategy. Independently from that, cheaters for sure love this zone and to consistently bother people who simply want some fair WPVP.

    Due to such persistence, I suggest not just to rely on support tickets, but to routinely directly take a look on the zone, since it's such a cheating hotspot.
    Because it literally takes a couple minutes to login, give a look around and drop the banhammer on the cheater (usually they're pretty obvious too). If this is already being done, then please consider increasing the frequency of the monitoring, in order to increase the deterrence.

    Same suggestion applies to multiboxers who bypass Isle of Quel'Danas maximum party size to coalesce and play together (e.g. 10 man party with 2 multiboxers of 5 characters each).
    In cases like this (hotspot zones), I think it would be better for Warmane to simply note down suspected cheaters names and manually check, instead of requiring players to submit very time-consuming evidence. In fact, while it takes a couple seconds to understand the situation in-game, gathering and uploading evidence (especially video) is much less efficient and this discourages players to submit repeated reports.
    Edited: July 22, 2022

  2. Also rogues are abusing arena to reset cooldowns with vanish. Obviously no one who enters a world pvp zone plans to do arena, so a good fix would be to disable entering arena from isle of quel'danas.

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