1. mailbox nolifers

    nightelf druid named stinkymane and a human warlock named coprophillia constantly stopping people from using an in game function and extorting people to use that ingame function, if the admin actually did their jobs we wouldn't have to deal with these pathetic *****s, its only a small part sure but its the princible of the matter, if i can't go around warning people off this server cause its classed as "server disrepect" yet they can cause mass disruption in game and get no consquences, so everyone start scamming people, ninja and do whatever you want, the admin wont do anything. wont be surprised if this topic gets deleted for calling them out cause they dont like the truth

    apologise for the bad spelling english not first language

  2. The funny part - aside the stupidity involved in creating a post insulting us, like the Special Olympics have some "100m obvious ban dash" category - is that unless you're the one hosting, creating, hiring or deciding the rules of our servers, you're nothing less than delusional when you believe yourself in any position to say what the Staff members' job is.

    Not that it should surprise anyone when your basic attitude is of a "Truther." Does it really make you feel somehow validated when you vomit bull**** and it gets deleted? Is that how Flat-Earthers work, they got their posts somewhere deleted for being too dumb to exist and that "proved they were right" in their minds?

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