1. https://rg-guides-wotlk.de.tl/Paladin-Heilig.htm

    This is the german guide. Shortyy obviously put it in google translator or something, thats why the language is that bad. I think its bad manner to copy and poste guides without giving the source. There is no one mentioned as author but I'm quite sure it's not Shortyy because no one who took a lot of time to write such a guide will violate it that badly.

  2. yeah i know my english is not the best it is not my main language
    i speak 7 language somethimes its hard to write it and think about the words for me

    i play since us beta 04 shaman and war as tbc released i start playing paladin.
    i´ve been playing wotlk alone for 13 years now as a paladin, preferably tank and heal
    on official and with cata release on privat server
    ok i never played on a international privat server only germans
    but i have saw a lot of heal builds like builds who he skilled wrath of justice
    what only good is for pvp or builds with disac despite the fact.
    that you take a prot pala with you in every raid and he skill it.
    in icc alone you only need it for 3 bosses and no more.
    but never heard about the hpala dont have to use JoL
    and never heard about the build with disac is bis build for HC
    i have a lot more crit and make a lot more heal
    when i use JoL and use this build as everyone of
    i dont need mana reg i never can be oom
    and in every raid u have a disco and a rshaman
    he does mana combo and all is good for all other because I DONT GET OOM

    tell me why its so perfect for a other paladin to use it as me?
    Like Ret or Tank i dont know who use it in your raids
    because i spam it all the time and if i see it use some other
    i wait if he cast it and cast it again ;-)

    i never saw a raid on this server who takes only 3 heals with u and two more dps..
    but why if u played like i say its enough to have a disco a rshaman and a hpala
    for icc 25 hc
    u dont need more the disco makes a lot of absorb and safes the tanks sometimes too
    the hpala makes absorb and with using JoL he makes a lot more grp heal as some one other takes it
    and the rshaman does the rest.
    maybe sometime he need to switch with his healing from grp heal to tank heal
    like sauerfang to overheal a mark and heal grp
    but more u dont need
    with this constulation if u take a rdruid in ur raid it gets boring
    because he has nothing to do.

  3. yeah i know my english is not the best it is not my main language
    i speak 7 language somethimes its hard to write it and think about the words for me
    So, did you write this guide or you just copied it and posted here?

    i play since us beta
    I always love that. It pretty much means your words do not stand on their own, they need "i play since us beta" so someone listens to you, as if that is worth something.
    but never heard about the hpala dont have to use JoL
    You still don't get it. It DOES NOT MATTER who uses it, important is that both have 100% uptime. If hpala uses jol, tank uses jow, perfect. tank uses jol and retri uses jow, perfect - you can just do it once a minute and do good heals, isn't that BETTER for you, you can heal better?
    So you don't use full potential and have wasted stats you never use? Perfectly you should use last of your mana on last heal cast before boss dies. The closer you get to that, the better you are.
    i never saw a raid on this server who takes only 3 heals with u and two more dps..
    Literally every guild who farms 25hc goes 3 heals, what are you talking about.

    And btw, you have not adressed a single thing people asked you, you just keep saying the same things.
    Edited: August 19, 2022

  4. ...i never saw a raid on this server who takes only 3 heals with u and two more dps...
    ...i dont need mana reg i never can be oom...
    ...he does mana combo and all is good for all other because I DONT GET OOM...
    Yeah, you don't see and don't know because you're simply not aware of how things are in the game.

    but never heard about the hpala dont have to use JoL
    Using a judgement puts you in a GCD of 1.5s that cannot be reduced. As was mentioned, at least 3 times now, there is no difference in terms of power when it comes to either judgement of light or judgement of wisdom. With that in mind, if you were to cast your judgement only to keep the 20s debuff on the boss this means that you'd be doing 3 judgements per minute, costing you 4.5 seconds total. Out of those three one is absolutely necessary due to judgements of the pure, so your net time wasted is 3 seconds. For wasting those 3 seconds you gain two chances to refund mana, which you claim you don't need since you can never oom.

    As opposed to doing that, you can instead simply cast judgement once a minute and allow your rets and tanks to upkeep the two debuffs. They have the ability in their priority systems anyway. This will allow you to spend an extra 3 seconds every minute on healing or on moving or anything else that can be useful. Even auto attacking will be faster than 1.5s when you've got enough haste.

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