1. No deaths challenge

    Hi guys!
    I want to play this game and get to lvl 80 WITHOUT DYING.

    So I made these rules to follow the challenge (sorry if something is mispelled or wrong. Im a spanish speaker so... hope I can explain):

    1- Do not die in any possible way. It cannot be revived. Going into ghost mode will count as death.
    2- In case of dying because of a very high level enemy player (on an unfair way) you must lose the amount of coins you have on you (can be changed in the future, I still have to think it)
    3- in case of dying in any previous way, you can wait to be revived by a player. You can ask any player for help through the chat.
    4- objects from other accounts cannot be used, do not use multi-accounts, cheats, etc.
    5- alliances with other players are allowed.
    6- it is allowed to die in special events
    7- in case of being bugged / death caused by bug, etc, it will be taken as an exception.
    8- each excepted death should be noted in a note (be showed in evidence)

    I hoped you could also help me to make new rules, change others, leave sugestions or tips, etc. You are free to help!

  2. Walk only and you are not allowed to use roads or flightpaths would make this challenge more fun

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