1. Is everyone partying in some underground below Goldshire Inn or what?

    Every time I log in the world is barren, almost as if no one was there and I was playing single player WoW gaming type ****.
    Yet the website says there are 277 players online at all times.
    Did I not get invited to the Goldshire party or something??? I know I'm not a furry but I just want to see the other 277 peoples :(

    Where are you, fellow Frostwolf enjoyers? Is there anyone motivated to do celestials?

  2. My bad! the website says 274 now so 3 sussy bakas left, probably it's still early in the day

  3. 277 players its so poor :( you will never see anyone .. the world is too bigger for so low popupation...

  4. I believe it also counts in people just logged in into their account.

  5. Yeah, maybe /who is bugged might open a bug tracker report

  6. I recommend to use "/who 1-90" to see how many players are online. It's the most accurate way.

  7. How would the site inflate the population statistics? It literally gets that statistic from the realm itself. I truly believe, honest to God, that 300 people are playing the game but the world of warcraft is so big that you can't encounter people that often if there are 300 people playing. Surely they are out there but a cluster of one person isn't that big so the /who wouldn't be able to detect those people playing.

  8. I recommend to use "/who 1-90" to see how many players are online. It's the most accurate way.
    Not in here. The /who is actually capped to 50 in any of the realms, deliberately showing way less characters than the realm currently have. It was put in place years ago to keep people from spamming the command and causing lag to the servers. It mostly helps WotLK realms, but we just left it by default in all of them.

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