1. [New Addon] RaidBrowserFix *patch*

    This is a raidbrowser patch fix addon which allows you to create and view raid listings with other online players.

    Because by default the servers raidbrowser backend is not enabled. This raidbrowser fix works not by scanning the chat or global channels for spam of raids, But rather you can view and list raid browser listings with anyone else online using this same addon hot fix.

    Now when you open raidbrowser or type "/rb" in chat with this addon installed. It will send view and list raid browser listings with any other online users also using this raidbrowser fix addon installed.

    Download v1.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jeo...w?usp=drivesdk

    Each time raidbrowser window is loaded in game with this addon it gathers 50 random online users of the same faction to check if they have this addon. If so then you and they are both added to one another's listings. This allows for the RaidBrowserFix system to support up detecting showing and listing raids for hundreds or thousands of users online at once. Basically the more people that use the addon fix then the better it works.
    Edited: November 6, 2022

  2. Version 1.1 update

    I added in the ability for the framework to now remember any other addon users it finds when opening raidbrowser to a hardlocked array table.

    So now when logging in the raidbrowser will attempt to find any previous users it has found in the past and check if they are online if so adds them to raidbrowser listings.

    Of course only users of your same faction also using this same addon get saved shown and listed in raidbrowser and the hardlocked user array table to scan at player login.
    Edited: November 5, 2022

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