1. Does Rarescanner work for anyone?

    In general, I see missing addons (I'm especially big on RareScanner), some don't appear in the Interface menu but after typing /rarescanner for instance I can see some commands but after typing can't hit Enter to confirm enabling/disabling to send the command request. Is there a link/site to working addons?
    I tried everything. Curseforge, legacy-wow.com and wotlkaddons.com I also made sure they're either 3.3.5 (30300 build) version or edited the addons .TOC files with Notepad+.

    So aside form the sticky topics with the addons list and download link, nothing else witll work? I found 3.4.0+ Rarescanner addon and other addons versions, some I got away with editing, but many won't work.

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