1. will our characters be deleted once the beta is over ?

  2. Talents: Will reflect the expansion that is current on the realm. Vanilla content = Vanilla talents, etc.

    - Kinda sad about that one, I think the class were totally unbalance in Vanilla, and it would have been way easier for your staff to just let the tree exactly like wotlk was. Nothing to change there. I just hope if the server isnt as popular as you thought you will still continue it. (If its the case i will stay on lord until TBC get release). The classes that i love to play in classic , i hate them in wotlk .... so the number of players will go up as the expansion get release.

    Marketplace: To elaborate on what we said on the main post, the plan is to have item releases similar to Frostmourne, but the items will be available sooner. This means that the top guilds will be able to clear the content and get their achievements and whatnot without the assistance of the shop, but the items will arrive sooner on the shop than they did on Frostmourne.

    - 100% fine with the market... someone that bought shadowmourne paid 180$ .... I dont have that kind of money for an item but if someone does , go for it. The stuff tend to be expensive, but it s very well balance. Maybe some item should be cheaper tho .... the price between the BIS and a medium weapon(item 251) is almost the same .... would be nice to have a huge array of selection with different price.

    B.Elfs and Draenei: Disabled until TBC content.

    - I dont really mind about that one , that doesnt affect me personally. I would love Goblin and worgen at some point , but i know this one is way too much.

    RDF: Will be enabled with Vanilla.

    - Totally fine with that also. But the 5X with that ..... i would just queue in RDF and get level 15-60 without never leaving SW. I still thing 3X would be better ,at least at the start

    Dual-Spec: Will be enabled with Vanilla.

    - Love that

    Debuff limit: Will not be enforced on Vanilla.

    - Also love that , just by removing that , pretty sure the 40 man raid doesnt even need to be adjusted. They can all have the same HP

    Level cap: Will be level 60 on the Beta realm.


    Raid sizes: 40-man raids will be 25-man instead.

    - Love it

  3. didnt like the idea when we first heard about it but its grown a lil on me and now i cant wait to try it out, roll on 14th august

  4. Do we need an specific expansion client to play here or we can play with the wotlk client?

    The ingame "questhelper" is a wotlk thing, will it still work since vanilla?


  5. I feel bad for the community team lol... People demand info for 3 months, and then, when it comes, people start complaining about it haha

  6. B.Elfs and Draenei: Disabled until TBC content.

    I don't know what other players are thinking, but as a Horde paladin player, I'd love to play with Blood Elves from Vanilla to Wotlk. Also, this is not a Blizzlike experience. We'll have Dual-Spec, Raid sizes modified, client 3.3.5, exp rates x5, and who knows what other changes for sure.

    Because some players will be forced to play other class whole Vanilla content

  7. Looks interesting, not a fan of 25 man content over 40 man, though. However, somewhat understandable considering 40 mans are painful to manage and population probably won't be so hot come Naxx.

  8. So it's basically discount Icecrown. Meh.
    I'll play the beta to see how they've implemented Classic's gameplay into the Wrath client. Maybe it'll open the way to a permanent Classic server one day.

  9. Honestly would prefer 1x + 1 extra month of phase 1. this seems like a pretty long ordeal, so it would mainly appeal to those in it for the long haul. also, vanilla gets... odd, economically and with regards to dungeon groups when xp is accelerated too much. If that's not viable, perhaps some sort of incentive for leveling 1x all the way through? also, will boss health be buffed in order to compensate for the debuff limit, so that vanilla bosses aren't trivialized?

  10. What client should I get for beta? Can I get in beta? Please reply! Thank You!!!

  11. The only thing that is off-putting for me is the combination of RDF enabled and x5 rates, nothing vanilla about it

  12. Looks interesting, not a fan of 25 man content over 40 man, though. However, somewhat understandable considering 40 mans are painful to manage and population probably won't be so hot come Naxx.
    Keep in mind , no maximum of debuff on boss , so everyone can go all in ....

  13. Everything is nicee what you say, don't change anything......

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