1. Can new players report bugs instead of removing our posts?
    They weren't bug reports ¯_(?)_/¯
    You want to report bugs, but they weren't bug reports?
    I'm confused.

  2. Reading this thread I feel like no one has ever played a beta.

  3. We applied a fix for non english clients crashing.
    A ton of spell/mechanic fixes are already rolling in.

    If you want to play on Icecrown, Lordaeron or Blackrock after connecting to Onyxia you will need to restart. The talent tree undo functionality is not working as of yet.
    I still experience a client crash every time I enter Onyxia Server Only.

  4. For some reason i have to disable all my addons(that i usually use on Icecrown) otherwise my character is stuck in place and if i alt tab i can't get back in the game. Weird

  5. Yo if you think people will have fun doing molten core in preraid gear 25 man in raid that's scale isn't changed to 25 from 40 you are wrong. I hope it's something you didn't forget about (imagine forget about change raid scale when you change it from 40 to 25 man) but as i said before it's actually hard af with bis gear. 2nd thing Onyxia instance is wotlk version not classic. Change it fast so i can test more.

  6. Hello warmane team, it would be really nice to have lower xp rate, as Icecrown is 7x and Lordaeron is 1x maybe 3x would be nice for Onyxia.

  7. Server work fine, i'm very waiting official realm start.

  8. Server work fine, i'm very waiting official realm start.
    You sure you've played Onyxia? Did you get out Orgi sometimes?
    So much bugs atm. Server looks very poor.
    They told that if this is wotlk DB and Client, all early content working perfect, as well. They will be surprised.

  9. can devs PLEASE PLEASE, can u consider having water and food lvl 60 tbc on the capital vendors, PLEASE

  10. Shamans & Paladins shouldn't be allowed to use Merc Mode

  11. Is it possible to lower the XP rate, I know that its gonna be possible to do it locally like on icecrown, but it would be a better experience if everyone was on x1, or atleast x2 if x1 is too low. Also, maybe disable the dungeon finder, or make it like you use the finder to find people, and go to the dungeon by foot. Thank you.

  12. If you switch from Onyxia back to another Warmane server it still has the Vanilla assets loaded. How does one go about changing that?

  13. If you switch from Onyxia back to another Warmane server it still has the Vanilla assets loaded. How does one go about changing that?
    To answer my own question...you need to close the client. Just logging out and back in isn't enough.

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