1. Project looks amazing!
    I would prefer 3.3.5 talents and PVP server but thats just my opinion

  2. Thank you for the new information and above all for your time that you have dedicate to this project.

    If you are still open to some suggestions:

    1) Make the XP rate a bit lower - 3x would be ideal ( at least for vanilla ), it's not too much but it should be enough to not make the leveling experience a grind, if this project is really special as you call it than the people should take it into consideration before they play here and should treat it as such, 3x rate is an acceptable compromise, It can grow and progress along with each expansion and get to x5 on Wotlk.

    2) The XP rate should be variable and set by the players themselves. As someone here wrongly said that no one wants to level on 1x ..., that's not true at all. I believe there are a lot of people that want to have 1x and naturally complete quests and achievements along the level process. Of course, it's not majority but still, it's quite a lot. At the same time I understand that people in 2023 don't have the time or patience to grind through 1x rates. The option to set own XP rates would satisfy all. After all, anyone who wants to complete 60 level will meet in the end, sooner or later, but the journey counts. I know Mercy said it will most likey be that way but some official confirmation would put this away for good.

    3) There is a big difference in some race combinations in vanilla / wotlk, for example people want to have belf paladins through all expansions but won't be able to do that if you disable it according to the vanilla. I hope that it won't be the case and all will be available since the start. It's not my personal case, but speaking here for people that want to use race combo that is not "vanilla friendly". Making such change would force them to play something they don't want.

    4) Please take into consideration time plan and content release schedule, in some unnamed similar PTE project, it takes quite a long time and they lost a lot of players because of the delays. Your experince with running servers should be very valuable here, but also must be planned in detail. Long delays in content release can eventually cause a server death or it's slow decline in worst cases. It's very sensitive topic and maybe it should be changed in according to / reflect the server actual dungeon progression and not be set in stone from the start.

    5) PvP / PvE realm is an endless discussion, and you will never satisfy everyone, but let's speak facts. World PvP is a major part of the old experience no matter what people say. As always it should be taken into consideration and maybe a compromise as well can take place. We know that some areas are rich in PvP ( Stranglethorn, Dire Maul, Arathi, Burning Steppes etc. ). These areas can be flagged as PvP and the rest not ? This will make the world PvP alive, players that actually want to PvP will flock to these areas and the rest will be calm leaving people to farm and level in peace. In my opinion disabling the PvP alltogether is a wrong move and will have negative impact on the overall experience, cutting off large part of it.

    Thank you for the time if someone from WM staff reads this and took it into consideration.

    I am along with others looking forward to BETA and most importantly the actual server.

    Have a pleasant summer.
    Valid points....

  3. I understand that making reputation rates flexible is quite difficult (although it is possible).
    With experience rates, it looks a little easier.

    But what about racial bonuses? I don't think this feature is hard to implement for Warmane. Give some freedom to the players in choosing a race for the character. In early versions of the game, racial bonuses have a high value. Man and Undead are much easier in pvp, tanks are a priority for Tauren, pve mages choose only trolls, although some prefer the undead visual, but Berserk is too strong for pve to refuse it.

  4. Will quests and towns be in the vanilla state too? Locations like Dalaran crater and Mudsprocket have tons of new quests that were added in tbc/wrath, but I imagine changing those would require a separate patch.

    I'd suggest a reward or something for toggling 1x rates, as 5x completely invalidates the point of vanilla imo. There's so little to do after reaching max level and doing your raid lockouts, and it would be very disappointing if this turns into another Frostmourne-style rush to raidlog rather than the journey it's meant to be. I'll be leveling on 1x myself regardless, but I'd love to see other people in zones before they beat the game in a week.

    25-man instead of 40 is also an odd choice, but the staff knows their player base best. I understand if you don't expect to sustain a big enough playerbase(like frostmourne after 9 months where you can't find a single raid), but I'd love to see the original 40mans.

  5. Raid sizes: 40-man raids will be 25-man instead.

    What would the reasoning behind this be? That would totally dismantle the vanilla big raid experience.

  6. "Make it x1 Leveling was a part of Vanilla"
    -They reused Naxx in WotLK because so little people got to try it out in Vanilla (Maybe they were still leveling when TBC was released?)

    We look forward to seeing you try out our beta, our development team and staff will be analyzing each moment spent on that temporary realm.
    For all of you x1, if you really want this, then show up in the PTR and change xp to x1 and if 90% of the people who play it does that, then theres a chance they will change it to x1.
    -but the reality is that you can do that when they release it aswell.

    The end game grind is still huge in Vanilla, plenty of content before it will progress to next phase.

  7. Please do not let this be a pay to win server like Icecrown, Frostmourne was so amazing to play in part because it was a progression server and not pay to win. At the very least, the gear from the newest tier of raiding gear should not be purchasable. Please follow the Frostmourne model on this, it makes a huge difference

    I also want to put in another vote for racial swaps. Will the raids be Frostmourne's overtuned difficulty or standard difficulty? Very Excited

    I also want to cast my vote for a PvE server. I really don't want to play vanilla with wbuffs/consume meta on a PvP server again and I'm kind of over world PvP. We all know it's just ganking the other guy when he has 3 mobs, is 7 leveling below us, or we are 2v1ing him

  8. Class Balancing

    Will any thing be done to balance classes and make certain specs more viable?

    For example making prot paladin still have access to righteous defence or hand of reckoning?

    Or making no viable specs viable?

  9. I actually hoped that the new realm will have a vanity-only shop and not be p2w.

  10. Many people says 1x, well if i wasn't forced to go to work every day maybe i would suggest the same thing. But many of us are grown people and i think 1x is too slow but maybe they can balance it in the middle for those who are not happy like 1x up to 3x maximum.

  11. As practice has shown, pvp servers are more in demand than pve.

  12. Hello, while i understand things are going to be vague but if possible i would like answers to few questions while i also attempt to give some suggestions with reasonings i believe are important.
    1.I am more into PvE Realm and and some areas like tower/zone capturing in hellfire peninsula/zangarmarsh and eastern plaguelands would require to be tagged for PvP so if i can suggest anything it would be to keep it PvE realm like frostmourne season3.
    2.will there be gold squish?
    3.after realm is over what is the plan? seasonal reset and transfer to icecrown or realm becomes endgame on its own?
    3.Exp and Profession and Spawn rates etc should all be changed depending on which phase of the content we are in as to stimulate the game due to more ppl being scattered the bigger the world is. my suggestion is to make Exp 3x during vanilla x4 during tbc and x5 during wrath. professions/gold/respawn of nodes should also be considered since the realm will have more gold the more time goes on.
    4.i would suggest that RDF be disabled on launch until realm first prof/race/class and ony/mc are taken to slow down the speed run process and make it more fun overall.
    5.how will the pvp system work during the Vanilla Phase? the original system was very tedious and grindy and i dont believe it will be a good idea to implement it. also the vanilla pvp titles how will they work?
    6.How will inscription/glyphs function during pre Wrath Phase?
    7.Guild Bank and Quests that werent part of Vanilla i assume will remain as part of Quality of Life things or not?
    8.I just want to know ur stance on the way consumables worked and world buffs and how will they work on this realm
    9.Due to it being wrath client and mounts are learned spells not bag items will that mean the cast times remain wrath-like?
    10.I want to know ur stance on Blizzlike and Intended bugs that blizzard didnt fix and are part of the game
    and Last is the Marketplace , it would be a great idea to limit the marketplace away from current tier items until atleast a month or two has passed and exclude legendaries completely until the realm is fully progressed in that Phase.
    Thank you for reading this and i hope the realm proves to be a sucess!

  13. will everyone be able to try beta ?

  14. As practice has shown, pvp servers are more in demand than pve.
    I wonder where this "practice" was happening, in your head? Blizzard got rid of PvP type realms completley, Frostmourne was a banger because of PvE. It's a dead horse.

  15. Played tank during all classic, plz consider possibility to turn OFF PVP mode

    45mn death crawl to BRD trauma is real

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