1. Hello everyone, Zidras here, maintainer of DBM-Warmane addon.

    I have a couple of questions for the dev team

    1. Since client will remain unchanged, is it safe to assume we will have the same 3.3.5a API available?
    2. From DBM standpoint, how will the API behave in order to differentiate instances of this new realm from the currently existing realms (Lord, IC, FM)?
    Just to clarify point 2: my question is related to dungeon/raid instances, not realm instances. In other words, how would be the differentating factor of a raid/dungeon from the game API standpoint, for example: "vanilla" Dire Maul vs "wotlk Icecrown/Lordaeron/Frostmourne" Dire Maul; or vanilla Naxx vs wotlk Naxx? Will it have different map ID? GetInstanceInfo would be different in any parameter?

    This is quite important to assert since different scripting of these instances between all warmane realms will change how DBM needs to be coded.

  2. i have question, which client do I have to download to be able to test the beta?

  3. I'm very excited ! Just please make it x1 for exp leveling
    No problem. You can choose EXP rate 1x.
    Everyone can choose between 5x and 1x. It's up to you.

  4. As I can see most players would prefer a lower exp rate. Could the admins listen and make a poll? Or maybe two servers could be created and players could choose?
    High rate to lower is easier than the other way around if it's adjustable. Demanding others to suffer a slug leveling because you like it doesn't sound fair. Having original high rate with adjustable lower rates would allow snail pace for those who want it, without forcing it on others.

    Another p2w server?
    There isn't one to begin with.
    You can prove this wrong easily: Buy BiS character, get into raiding guild (assuming you get past applications with limited knowledge). Then you have to show how you play in actual raid. You make mistakes, you make unnaturally low DPS compared to the gear, you clearly have no clue -> get kicked from the guild. How is this P2W?

    Pls make the option to chance the racials aswell, like if i play undead i can get the racials from tauren or dwarf, etc.
    There won't be racial changes. I'd like the idea, but that would usually result just making physically appealing character with min-max/QoL racial abilities. It would increase seeing same races more. Who would play Gnome, Dwarf, Troll, Tauren even, if you could be something else? You ditch the unappealing races because you get their appealing racials on other races.

    i have question, which client do I have to download to be able to test the beta?
    3.3.5 WotLK client, since that's the one used for the realm.

  5. I'm happy that you're planning to release all items in shop sooner this time (it took ridiculously long at Frostmourne, and ICC items were never released at all), but the fact that you don't want to enable draenei/belfs for vanilla (a huge selling point for your server -- imagine being able to play them in vanilla!) and that you're dead-set to leave broken racials "blizzlike", aka basically killing Alliance off yet again, when you could've easily changed it, is very disappointing.

  6. High rate to lower is easier than the other way around if it's adjustable. Demanding others to suffer a slug leveling because you like it doesn't sound fair. Having original high rate with adjustable lower rates would allow snail pace for those who want it, without forcing it on others.

    Kinda stupid but same stupid answer, make max lvl 100. People have more raids to choose from.

    [QUOTE=There isn't one to begin with.
    You can prove this wrong easily: Buy BiS character, get into raiding guild (assuming you get past applications with limited knowledge). Then you have to show how you play in actual raid. You make mistakes, you make unnaturally low DPS compared to the gear, you clearly have no clue -> get kicked from the guild. How is this P2W?[/QUOTE]

    Like what was it like on icecrown? If a casual player doesn't buy items with real money, he won't get a raid slot, even though he's raided this server hundreds of times and has a few items but hasn't bought any. This thing is called P2W, and it discourages players from playing.

    [QUOTE=There won't be racial changes. I'd like the idea, but that would usually result just making physically appealing character with min-max/QoL racial abilities. It would increase seeing same races more. Who would play Gnome, Dwarf, Troll, Tauren even, if you could be something else? You ditch the unappealing races because you get their appealing racials on other races[/QUOTE]

    The server will be unstable, ally or horde will dominance control. Another thing where most people ask for something, please reconsider.

    [QUOTE=3.3.5 WotLK client, since that's the one used for the realm.[/QUOTE]

  7. Like what was it like on icecrown? If a casual player doesn't buy items with real money, he won't get a raid slot, even though he's raided this server hundreds of times and has a few items but hasn't bought any. This thing is called P2W, and it discourages players from playing.
    My PUG only 6.3K Rogue with no store or trade bought items, no linking/mentions of mains and/or achievements: Is it really impossible? You like to victimize yourself, so that you can feel better about when you rant about people who bought items/characters. Blood elf btw. Not Undead (they're cool!), Troll or Orc. Did I PvP with it? Only to defend myself in wPvP. Far from optimal character setup, yet it's well geared.

    I'd like to see this casual that has raided 100's of times and only have few items, because he can't get a slot.

    The server will be unstable, ally or horde will dominance control. Another thing where most people ask for something, please reconsider.
    How would racials change faction balance exactly?
    By the looks of it, only unstable thing about the server are its [REDACTED]s.

  8. I have come up with a solution for PVP and PVE. Can we design that high-level players cannot actively harm low-level players, unless low-level players take action first. Automatic PVP at the same level.

  9. I have come up with a solution for PVP and PVE. Can we design that high-level players cannot actively harm low-level players, unless low-level players take action first. Automatic PVP at the same level.
    I have an even better solution. How about we make the realm PvE, the quest mobs immune to attack, and for players who want to PvP they can queue any battleground they feel like doing at the moment?

  10. questions about realm design

    There are 3 things in that section that I don't understand:

    - the x5 experience... why? in the first 3 expansions of wow, but especially in vanilla and BC is not necessary the x5, you go up too fast for so few levels and the grace at least in the 1st expansion is that you have to discover everything on your own because you have to read the quests as they do not mark the place haha. for my personal opinion, for these 3 expansions, it should be both x1 and x3 experience to choose when you click on the experience bar, like in lordaeron you can take both x0,5 and x1.

    - the quality of life specifically what is that?

    - the marketplace is the same as icecrow... how is that marketplace?

  11. Looking so much forward to the beta! Have been hyped for it since the inital tease.

    I have so many questions but many are going to be atleast partially answered during the beta, but still have some points I would want from this server.

    Would very much prefer it they somehow got it working in the old world, so not just wrath world with locked content, but Stormwind without the harber, Dalaran in its vanilla location and so on.
    Other servers i have tried either use the old client and old world without all the nice ui and ux changes brought in tbc and wrath, or use the wrath client and wrath world but not really feel like vanilla.

    Would prefer if tanks generated more thread, think it would help validate more tank specs.

    Think it would be nice to have a week or two before raids open when the server launches, it will give 1x exp people time to level up and not feel too far behind.

    Anyway, looking forward to the server and to test it out the beta.

  12. Had an idea ....

    what if the realm was X1 , but X7 when in rest.

    People that play a lot will level slow , and the people that are casual , Will mostly be in rest all the time , so they will level fast.

    Thoughts ?

  13. Talents will reflect the expansion the realm is currently progressing through. If we are in Vanilla, Vanilla talents it is.
    Feral bros.... cya in Naxx

  14. So let me get it straight, u don't like high rates so that makes u a pve player but u also against pve realm ...

    What are exactly ?

    also, vanilla will feel boring and empty regardless if it will take u a month to level or a week, if u can't understand that simple thing then u never actually played vanilla and only jumping in with those JOURNEY freaks

    "if u can't understand that simple thing"
    Said the person who cannot understand that x5 with RDF that people will just level to 15 and spam dungeons until 60 is hollow with the knowledge that Vanilla pvp and pve content is also hollow in challange, by confusing this point with another preference i have with pvp.

    Followed by actually agreeing with me and somehow answer yourself that you are disagreeing with me by pointing out that i never played vanilla.
    I can imagine that living in your head is confusing too yourself.

  15. People won't flag themselves PvP for many reasons, mainly because it's not very fair to be flagged as a walking target to others while they are not. It opens doors to many unfair situations for example someone can stalk you and call friends - the target can't do anything about it other than leave or run away from the zone. Also having yourself not flagged as a target makes you much more easier to start on the preferential side of the fight, for example hunter placing down traps, warrior making the first charge, etc. Telling people that they have an "option" to turn pvp on is like: "Yeah you can do what you enjoy, but with many side effects." Dumbing this down doesn't help the argument nor logic behind it, since you are talking only from one side of the argument and not looking into it from both sides. People will rarely flag themselves as /pvp on PvE realm, not because there are few that actually like wpvp, but because it's not a working solution.

    There are no winners in this discussion, both options have several advantages and disadvantages. Most of it however will be heavily impacted by the high rates and RDF enabled which both did not exist on the original blizz realms. This will lead to a lot of ppl having alts quite fast and only remaining activity left will be to do professions or farm gold. Having both RDF/x5 at the same time will turn zones into farming spots - this could lead to some interesting scenarions where you can compete in PvP for resources, especially with so many people finishing 60 at the same time. Once again on PvE realm will be a lot of bots stealing your resouces and you can do nothing about it. With PvP realm you can at least kill / harass them, but at the same time from the pve player perspective you will be forced into something you don't like. Why I said this ? So people will finally realize there are always two sides of the coin and blindly siding with one side just because it matches your preference while shutting down ears to other people opinion is really "an interesting line of logic".

    Also people should once and for all understand that this will never be a blizzlike vanilla server. It's rather heavilly modified wotlk locked into 60 level with QoL aspects that will drastically change the game. Anyone who paid attention should understand that by now, too bad not many people here do and still ask for x1 rates or turning off the RDF - none of these things will happen, I can guarantee that. If someone is looking for true vanilla experience, this is not the place to find it.
    So close...you just explained how people who enjoy world PvP aren't looking for fair (real) PvP...they're looking to force themselves on weaker, defenseless, and vulnerable people. I get everyone wants to play into their power fantasy...but I don't agree with doing so at the expense of other players. I don't mind getting my axe handed to me in a BG, cause I can choose whether to enter that BG undergeared or underskilled or not. But I don't have a choice in a PvE vs PvP realm (like I might on retail)...there's only going to be one to play on...

    I really think having an option for a warmode/always flagged with a small bonus to rates (or other bonus) would encourage the "World PvP" you want, without forcing it on everyone. The hybrid realm which has been discussed, where some zones are "World PVP zones" and others which aren't also sounds promising...another twist on that might be rotating the PvP zones each week, ie one week you're flagged in Tanaris, and the next Tanaris is PvE but Feralas is the war-torn zone. Then again, this is really "custom" content, and we know how Warmane Devs hate anything custom, even if it improves the game and experience.

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