1. Make Pit of Fangs non-pvp

    A lot of you aswell as me have been victim of Alliances killings. Yes it is annoying but what bother me most is the fact that they do it in zones like Brunnhildar Village at the bear pit. A mage in my case just was stayin aside of the pit and spamming spells on us trying to do the quest. And it kept happening and happening so we just gave up on doing the quest. Thats straight up abuse. I'm not saying that you should remove PvP in questing zones because thats just a core element of them game. What I am saying is that at this particular spot there is absolutely nothing you can do when you're riding the bear. Because when you're not, then he was nowhere to be found and when you got on the bear for the quest he shows up and spams you and you can't do nothingg about it. I mean either do something about the Alliance faction or idk its just exhausting being a victim 29 times a day to full BiS paladins and Dks and what not.

  2. All part of it being a PvP server. Nothing new, nothing will be tweaked, you have options to handle it in-game, from asking help from your own faction to using a different area to do your leveling if no one assists. Also, "do something about the Alliance"? Read around and you'll see your faction does the same.

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