1. Harassment over DPS durring instance Dungeon Finder group

    Today I joined my 1st Dungeon Finder PUG. While in the dungeon, the party leader posted a damage statistic in chat showing every players DPS numbers/percents. The Party Leader throughout the entire run constantly complained, called others to kick me, etc. The spamming of the DPS stats got worse on the next run, to the point a couple of members left, and I eventually left as it just ruined the experience.

    I am new to this class, and I let folks know in chat that I was a returning player after a decade or so, and I wasn't super skilled at the class. I mentioned this at the beginning of the instance, but the Party Leader continued this harassment the entire instance and the 2nd.

    Is there anything one can do to prevent this in the future? I'm not sure if this is a normal occurrence, but I feel I may not do any more group activities as this felt really un-fun and uncomfortable.

    Thanks for reading.

  2. Is there anything one can do to prevent this in the future? I'm not sure if this is a normal occurrence, but I feel I may not do any more group activities as this felt really un-fun and uncomfortable.
    A lot of the random players you'll meet are self centered. If they think something is slowing them down, they'll let people know. The way it's done isn't usually in kind tone. Better get used to it, as it's not going away.

    You should learn your class, and mechanics, if you wish to avoid people complaining about your performance. The sooner you do that, the better it is for all players around you and for yourself too.

  3. OK thank you for the info. By chance is there a good Shadow Priest rotation build info around the forums here? I think what I may be missing is a rotation. Or perhaps infect EVERY mob that is aggrro with shadow damage, rather than focusing 1 by 1?


  4. Thank you!

    One last question. This and some other guides mention Addons which I am only using QuestHelper currently.

    Is it OK to use Addons for Shadow Priest or other classes on Warmane? I don't want to install anything that's illegal or OP!

    Thank you for the help Ohie!

  5. Standard addons that use the default addon API should be safe, and no worries about cheating. If you find them on the Forum: https://forum.warmane.com/forumdisplay.php?f=290 you aren't going to get "in trouble" for using them, past the standard internet safety advisory about downloading things.

  6. Telling people that you are new is a bit of a gamble, but it can sometimes make randoms more understanding.

    Otherwise, the options are a bit limited. It's not something that will happen every single time, but still going to happen, unfortunately. Befriending some people and doing group content with at least some of them in the group helps, as does joining a guild and going with guild mates. You can also just not let such people bother you, simply have to keep in mind that there's nothing wrong with being new and still learning, the ones complaining are in the wrong.

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