1. EHP Pala prot.

    Could someone explain to me how to calculate my EHP?
    I found this formula, but I'm not sure if the maximum Health refers to my total life or if I also need to do some calculation.
    Can someone provide me with an example?
    EHP = Maximum Health / (1 - Armor Damage Reduction)

  2. Health multiplied by any damage reduction effects.

    Armor, you will need to use the wiki to calculate that, as the in-game tooltip shows you the damage reduction you get against a target of your own level, not of a level 83 boss. It'll be lower against a boss than what the tooltip suggests.

    You use divine protection and you have 50k hp. Divine protection is a 50% damage reduction. So you do this;

    50,000 x 1.5 = 75,000

    1.5 as a representative of the 50% damage reduction because 1 is representative of your flat HP value, and the 0.5 is representative of the damage reduction effect. Thus, the result of the equation is what your EHP is with only that factor.

  3. Not really Mercy :)

    50% damage reduction means:

    50,000 / (1 - 0,5) = 100,000 EHP

  4. Explain that equation for me.

  5. 50% damage reduction means that you take only 1/2 of incoming damage. So basically it doubles your EHP.

    50k HP. 50% DR. Enemy attack before any reduction deals 10k damage.
    So against such opponent tanks EHP will look like that: 50.000 / 10.000 = 5 attacks to kill before any reduction. 5 / (1 - 0.5) = 10 attacks to kill after applying 50% damage reduction.

    Not a college grade math

  6. Not a college grade math
    If it's not college grade math, then explain the necessity of complicating the equation with a 1 for no reason.
    I don't appreciate the condescension.

  7. The equation specifically needs the 1 because it's not so much that you use 50% lss damage taken, you use the fact that you TAKE 50% total damage. 50% is actually the worst possible number because it's confusing and both are the same.

    Instead, in my guide i used 51% for this reason;

    EHP Stands for Effective Hit Points: It's the concept of how much damage you can REALLY take before dying, without receiving any heals. This is made up of 2 things:
    1)Damage Reduction Effects (Usually Armor, for physical damage)
    2)Hit Points (Usually Stamina)

    Say you have 51% damage reduction (Damage taken = 49%), and 100,000 Hit Points. Your EHP would be just over 200,000, as given by formula
    EHP = (100/Damage Taken%) x HP
    So in this case,
    EHP = (100/ [100 - 51 Dmg Reduction]) x 100,000
    =(100/49 Dmg Taken) x 100,000
    =2.04082 x 100,000
    =204,082 EHP
    Intuitively, having 50% DR with 100k hp = 200k EHP, this makes sense, a simple doubling of EHP. When you take less damage, eg your DR improves to say, 51%, this 200k number should also IMPROVE.
    Hence, we plug in 0.49, not 0.51, which in this equation which gives us a higher number, in this case by 4082 hp.

    In reality if we had just started with the number "Damage taken" the maths would avoid this but we always read "Damage reduction" from the armor stat instead, so it requires the extra step.

    The formula's used are a little different to OP but it's essentially the same concept and the same confusion
    Edited: October 4, 2023

  8. Thank you, I appreciate it.

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