1. Donation Bonus

    A few weeks back, I saw in-game, a green text that stated that from the beginning of October there will be bonus coins for donations. Can anybody provide information on that? Is there going to be an autumn donation bonus this year?

  2. Doesn't seem to be active just yet. That's if the announcement that you saw was a legit one, and not a player pulling a stunt/scam.

  3. As stated above, it was a green colored text, as the one promoting us to donate in order to help with the server maintenance and the one telling you to join the Global channel. It was not from a player.

  4. I'd prolly check back during/after the next weekend.

  5. Did I miss the sale? Bonuses are still normal (100+18)

  6. Did I miss the sale? Bonuses are still normal (100+18)

    No, you did not miss anything, I'm checking daily, and as of today there are no additional bonuses on donations.

  7. damn if it were real...
    I'm simply stating what I saw, a few weeks back. This is why I'm asking for confirmation if the information is valid, as the message was posted only once in-game.

  8. Perhaps the message was posted by mistake?

  9. Getting 100 coins if there is a 33% buff

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