1. <cool faction bro> Horde, PvP

    <cool faction bro> (CFB) has been having a great time growing over the past couple months.
    In planning the events for the remainder of 2023 and those moving into 2024 we'd like to invite a specific section of the Warmane community to join us.
    If you meet these criteria, consider reaching out:

    -Majority of hours played fall between 22:00-5:00 server time
    -You are able to speak in Discord Voice to at least pass your interview
    -For the specific character you're applying on 5000+ HKs or 1500+ arena rating
    -800 resilience minimum
    -Focused first on world PvP
    -Intent on attaining BiS gear for PvP, diligently

    In order to advance rank in the guild we have other requirements. To stay in the guild there is an activity policy.

    While a lot of other guilds on the server seem to enjoy being toxic, we genuinely encourage honorable behavior and self control.
    We always come to help our fellow members if they get into trouble, and we are always remembering that it is more important to have a good time than become too personally invested in the events in-game for personal satisfaction. This is very much a place for mature and loyal people.

    Just as much as we appreciate the people on the opposite faction for being drama obsessed and making the game more entertaining, we want to remind them not to take their faction too seriously, rather, we should all take our honor and courage more seriously than anything.

    We seek challenges and would encourage everyone else to do the same since it is challenge which fuels reward.

    Some of our common activities include:
    -Raiding capitol Cities
    -World PvP all over Azeroth and Outland

    If you'd like to join, send a message/in-game mail to Zahd or Cosmicfate
    Alternatively, reach out to zahd_ or gorecoil or mythic._ on Discord

    Fight Well
    Edited: October 10, 2023

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